(Chapter 29)

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(Hope you enjoy the chapter 😊 if you do don't forget to vote)
Mae was currently walking towards her car, she was humming a song because that's the only thing that keeps her mind together, she has been worrying about Darryl since the failed rescue mission, her humming stopped when she heard a familiar voice"Can I get some help this is pretty heavy", she looked to where the voice came from it was a person who's facing backwards

But then she heard the person speak again"hey why are you guys not answering? is something wrong?", Then the person turned around and it was Darryl, a smile creeped on Mae's face as she started walking towards thee brunette, but the smile soon changed to a confused look as she saw two unconscious persons on the parking lot pavement, then she gasped and hid behind a car when she saw three men in suits with one who hit Darryl in the head,

Her heart started beating rapidly as she knew she needs to save her friend, her wound hasn't healed yet but she's determine to save her best friend even if it cause her, her LIFE she stood up and saw the men carrying Darryl towards a Black Mercedes Benz Sprinter,
She ran to the two unconscious men, She started shaking the one with dirty blond hair, the person groaned and rub his head possibly where he got hit then said," what happened?" In a groaning way

She then said rapidly," no time to explain Darryl has been kidnapped here's my second phone, the password is 223967,  track my location with my main phone in find my phone app, we need to save Darryl call for back up", Mae then ran to her car then started it, she then drove and followed the Black Mercedes Benz Sprinter, luckily it hasn't gone that far yet and She hasn't lost track of it, She looked at the van like a hawk making sure to not lose it, she still kept following the van after twenty five minutes, they passed buildings and now forests, they were in the country side now probably the south side of the city, the road was now dirt mixed with dust she made sure to keep her distance from the van so she doesn't get caught, and the dust clouds forming around both of thee vehicles was helping her not get caught,

After thirty five minutes of driving the van finally stopped,about two hundred yards away and Mae stopped her car as well, she looked at where the van stopped and it stopped in front of a building with seven floors, She got out the car and squinted her eyes as she looked at the van it wasn't a clear view considering  the distance but she saw three men getting out the Van with one carrying Darryl as they went inside the building , she clenched her a fist out of anger, but she inhaled and exhaled to calm herself down she needs to concentrate, she needs a plan

She took out her phone and called Techno,Ring ring ring ring ring", come on pick the fucking phone you piece of shit", Mae said irritated after one last ring Techno eventually picked up then greeted,"Hey sup Ma-", Mae cut him off and said,"we don't have time for that we need to rescue Darryl, he has been kidnapped by another mafia I'll send you my location come quick", Techno didn't had a chance to reply as Mae ended the call, then sent Techno the location

Mae then ran her right hand through her hair then closed her eyes and sighed, she started sprinting towards the building, as she arrived she didn't see any guards, but she did saw a lot of security cameras but she knows it has blind spots considering how it's posistioned, she looked around the building finding any possible entrance, she was extra careful to only go in the spots she's one hundred percent sure is a blind spot to not mess up,

After a few seconds of searching she saw a door at the back side of the building, she took out a laminated id and a hairpin, as the door had a door nob and a second lock, she inserted the hairpin in the second lock's key hole,and started twisting it side to side after a few more twist she heard a click, she grinned then took out the hair pin, and made her way on the door knob, she then sticked the laminate id in the door crack above where door knob rested, she then pushed the door inwards whilst sliding the id up and down making sure to hit the door knob latch, she finally hit the door knob latch and the door swung inwards, she entered and saw a male beta guard peacefully sleeping in a chair with his pistol on the ground,

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