Chapter 11

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Zak immediately picked Darryl up, ran to the bedroom, and gave Darryl a small box with a button, then said, "OK Darryl, don't lose this ok?, If ever your in danger just press the button,mk?", Zak said in a soft hush tone, Darryl was scared about what was happening, but just nodded to Zak, Zak went in the closet carrying Darryl, and put Darryl on the carpeted floor, Zak then locked the door from the inside as he got out.

Zak then grabbed a rifle and ran to the elevator, pressing the first floor and then swiping the key card. He was eagerly tapping his right foot while waiting.
As the elevator arrived at the first floor the  screams of pain and anguish were now much more audible, the marble floors are pretty bloody, maids, guards, and intruders are limping and some are dead on the floor while others are screaming for help, and the shootings were still pretty heated but Zak's side is obviously winning.

Zak furrowed his brows when he hadn't yet seen the alpha; typically, the leader or the alpha would lead their team and would fight alongside them, but this time it was very peculiar that the alpha was nowhere in sight. At that point, the gray marble floor was pooling in blood, though mostly it was the blood of the enemies.

The first floor was now destroyed, chandeliers on the floor some still hanging but could fall at any moment, widows cracked, blood on the walls, and bodies scattered everywhere. Zak kept searching for the alpha while being aware of his soundings, but all he could find were betas who were either badly injured or dead on the floor. Gunshots were still heard, but they were no longer as frequent. Then he felt his phone vibrate and looked at it, and his eyes widened.

Let's go to Darryl

Darryl was trembling on the floor after Zak left and continued to hear gunshots. When he heard the glass sliding door of the garden break, he began to tremble even more. Then, a quiet but audible voice was heard saying, "I know your here Skeppy, come out now and figth me." Next, Darryl heard footstep noises in the kitchen and living room. Then, he heard something that made him want throw up from fear.

"Awe Skeppy you haven't told me you have a little unmated omega," it said. The alpha followed the sweet strawberry scent to the bedroom door and kicked it down, causing a loud crash.

Darryl was shaking so much in fear that he forgot about what Zak had given him, Darryl then heard, "awe hiding from me lil fella?*chuckled*", the alpha kicked the door but it didn't budge, Darryl began to shake, then he remembered what Zak had given him, he opened his clenched palms and saw the box with a button, he pressed it, then he heard a gun shot from outside the closet, the closet door then opened, revealing a tall, large alpha.

Darryl scrunched up his nose at the Alpha's foul and strong scent, and the Alpha just stood there smirking and laughing, then the Alpha said, "Ohh Skeppy didn't tell me he owns a male omega and an unmated at its finest and cute one as well, well perfect timing then."

The alpha began walking towards Darryl, who was backing away and his back hit the wall, the alpha grabbed Darryl from his sides and lifted Darryl, then walked out of the closet and threw Darryl on the bed, the alpha crawled on top of Darryl and pinned him with both of his arms above his head, the alpha then said, "awe look how cute you look struggling and all vulnerable, don't worry lil fella the gun shots have already slowed down and I'm confident my team will win, so after we finish here, I'll bring you to my base."

Darryl was crying his eyes out and begging the alpha not to do it, but it only turned on the alpha seeing a hopeless omega under his control. He looked hungryly at Darryl, then the alpha began removing his pants, Darryl closed his eyes and shook in fear, then Darryl heard a.PAK.., then he felt the alpha no longer pinning him and was now at his side.

Darryl opened his eyes and saw Zak with a bat and rage in his eyes, but it softened when Zak looked at Darryl, Zak then picked Darryl up, Darryl wrapped both of his legs on Zak's waist and arms wrap around Zak's neck and Darryl's face was on Zak's scent glands, while Zak was holding under Darryl's thighs for support with his right arm at Darryl's back while rubbing small circles on Darryl's back .Darryl cried at the crook of Zak's neck to calm down the small brunette; Zak was enraged at the time after seeing the small brunette traumatized and shaking in fear.

When two beta employees entered the room, Zak turned to face them before turning to face the unconscious alpha. They knew almost immediately what to do, and while Darryl was still sobbing, the two betas lifted the alpha and carried it to an underground facility. After the beta employees left, Zak whispered soothing words into Darryl's ears to calm him down. Later, Zak made his scent much stronger to calm Darryl, which also worked, and he carried Darryl to the elevator.

Zak was holding the brunette when he overheard Darryl snoring softly, making him smile briefly before his rage and anger returned as he thought of what the alpha had tried to do to his Strawberry.

After reaching the third floor, Zak entered the second master bedroom, opened the door, and placed Darryl on the bed before covering the brunette with a comforter and kissing his cheeks.

Zak then called his assistant Cara to look after Darryl for a while because he was going to be dealing with a son of a bitch, and Cara responded that she was on her way. Zak then ended the call and looked at Darryl and smiled, saying, "tsk.. that stupid son of bitch is going to pay for what he did to my Derry." He then smirked devilishly.

He then turned around and walked toward the underground facility while grinning menacingly.


I also hope you enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please remember to vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
the feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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