(Chapter 25)

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George was anxiously limping towards the bed then sat down on the edge of the bed, his mind was bombarding him with questions things like", what would Clay think knowing your pregnant?","would he still love you","would he leave you?","or would he love you and the pup?"

George then put both of his hands on his hair then gripped on it tightly then groaned in frustration, he was so stressed right now his mind is just bothering him, and the fact his a really heavy over thinker was just too perfect, George then said out loud," would Clay still accept me?", George began to tear up, but then the door opened without a knock it was Niki the sweet beta from earlier,

She came to George's side then patted his back,"George don't worry about what Dream would think about you being pregnant", she said in a soft and hush tone, whilst sitting down beside George, George hasn't told anyone yet, but Niki just put the puzzles together George making her buy a pregnancy test kit and him crying afterwards, George just looked at the beta he was now tearing up a bit then said in worried broken voice,"wha....what if he doesn't love me anymore and what if he doesn't want pups?", Niki just smiled brightly then giggled a bit

George was kinda taken back on why Niki was giggling,he was about to say something but Niki said something first
,"If he doesn't want any pups, then why does he rail you every night?, plus he literally kidnapped you to have you", George then blushed after hearing that Niki knows that his getting railed every night, then replied

"Ha...how do you know we do it every night?" George looked down blushing, Niki held her laughter then responded
,"Uhm so your moans and screams echoes through out the house so pretty much every workers knows", she said giggling then bit both of her lips to stop her self from going on a full blown laughing fit

George then looked up at Niki with fear and embarrassment on his eyes,"WHAT?"George said flustered,Niki was about to lose it, then said", oh come on even if you quiet down a bit your still limping every morning?", George was so red at that point he literally turned into a tomato, while Niki was now full on laughing, her laughter was really cute not gonna lie

After Niki calmed down both of them chatted it started on with, Niki convincing George to stop worrying about Clay's reaction about George being pregnant, to getting to know each other, then after thirty minutes of talking they became friends, they then said thier goodbyes as Niki still needed to clean the kitchen,

After thier talk George now feels calmed he sighed now that his finally in his right senses,he smirked as a bold idea came into his mind, he giggled as he made his way to the closet Clay already bought him some clothes, it was mostly slutty outfits but it did had some sweatpants and t- shirts, but it was mostly skirts but George didn't mind George scanned through the hanged clothes, then as mischievous smirk formed on his face as he saw a pretty slutty maid outfit,"Clay's gonna love this*giggled*" George said

George then went out the walk in closet and went to the night stand where his phone was, Clay bought him a new one since Clay now trust George that his not gonna escape, George then giggled then made his way back to the closet and put on the slutty maid outfit, he then put on some knee high socks and a leather choker, George then made his way to the huge mirror in the closet

Then looked at himself in the mirror he was popping off and looked stunning as always, the maid outfit's skirt was really short it almost shows his ass, and it also shows his thighs the Clay always sucks, it still has hickeys on it but he knew Clay would love to see it, George then took many slutty mirror selfies, he had one that almost showed his ass and the others are just very seductive,

As George looked through it he laughed he was so excited to send it to Clay, and he did he sent Clay ten pictures,

While George was giggling Clay was alone in a meeting room he was at Nick's mansion , Clay was aggressively tapping his fingers against the mahogany table, he had been waiting there for three hours now and still Nick hasn't showed up yet,
"What the fuck is Nick doing?, I bet his fucking Karl or something" Clay then chuckled at the thought, Clay then sighed then he heard his phone dinged, he took it out and tapped on the imassage icon then unlocked his phone, he was then brought to George's contact then he saw the naughty pictures sent by George, Clay's breath hitch and he choked on his saliva, As has he looked through the pictures, Clay felt his tent raise he was full on hard at that point, Clay was almost drooling over the pictures, then he heard another ding from his phone, it was George

"How is it Daddy?😉" George sent

"Your definitely getting railed later puppy"
Clay replied, George started laughing on what Clay had replied to him , while George was laughing Nick had finally arrived in the meeting room, Nick was on a good mood and smirking, as Nick sat down on a office chair he was grinning while fixing his clothes and hair," Did you fuck Karl or something you took so long," Clay said in a joking annoyed tone, Nick just smirked at Clay then said," I Don't know, he did had his heat so we helped him, he was such a good boy"

Clay widens his eyes then straightened his back then said," what?, So you guys are now ok?", Nick chuckled then said
," Yup now let's go back to business", Clay just rolled his eyes then shrugged, they then now started thier meeting,

Time skip after the meeting

George was currently in bed watching Netflix, he was watching Everything, Everything he is loving the movie, he was currently wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants, he is really fucosed
on the movie but was cut off when someone aggressively twisted the door knob, he looked at the door a bit scared but calmed down when it was only Clay,

George smiled at Clay but Clay was just smirking and his eyes was full of lust and hunger, and George saw that and gulped in fear,"Ca...Clay uhm my legs still hurts", George said in a nervous tone, Clay just replied seductively," awe but Georgie after what you sent me your definitely getting the dick", George blushed but said," N..no", Clay climbed on top of George then started sucking and nibbling on George's neck making  purple and red hickeys George moaned a bit, then said
,"Clay can we skip for now I need to tell you something", George said, Clay then responded," that can wait for now because your gonna get some dick", then Clay continued sucking George's neck

George bit his bottom lips he wants sex as well but his ass is just sore af, George then pulled out the pregnancy test kit from his pocket then put it on Clay's pocket, "Now look at what I gave you"
George said he was really scared and excited at the same time

Clay got off of George then sat up, he looked at George confused then tilted his head to the side, he then  dug his hand in his pocket then pulled out a pregnancy test kit, his mind was still processing on what object he holding then looked at George who's about to melt from nervousness, Clay then flipped the pregnancy test kit and looked at the digital screen

And the screen said"pregnant", Clay was filled with joy he got off the bed then jumped up and down then to went back to George,
"A..are you really pregnant?", Clay asked
George couldn't hold his smile he was so happy to see Clay so excited, then George nodded, Clay immediately hugged George then said," you just made me so so happy Georgie, you always do I love you so much," Clay said then kissed George's forehead over and over, George was full of joy that Clay,was so happy that he was pregnant, George smiled then asked," so does that means I'm not gonna get railed tonight", George then smiled to Clay,"oh no Georgie your still getting recked", Clay replied, George stood there confused and scared," ba..but I'm pregnant"

Clay just chuckled," your still pretty early in pregnancy so it's not gonna harm the baby, also I was just kidding Georgie come on let have dinner,then Netflix and cuddle", George then smiled because cuddle time, Clay then picked George up  then went to the kitchen to eat,

And the night went on as planned they enjoyed eating dinner which was, filet mignon with mashed potatoes and asparagus, after that they watched a movie on Netflix and cuddled while eating some snacks, Clay was so happy knowing his gonna be a future dad

Word count...1559

(I hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did don't forget to vote 😊)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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