(Chapter 24)

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(Anyways I hope the chap is ok if it is don't forget to vote ☺️)
they made thier way to the bathroom and Zak then turned on the faucet on the bathtub,after a few minutes the water was finally enough Zak then turned it off and put a blue and red bath bomb on thee bathtub, Darryl just stood thier watching his alpha preparing "thier" bath," ok now go in the bathtub I'll just tell the maids to change the bed sheets and pillow cases,

Darryl just nodded then striped his clothes off leaving his boxers of course, he got in the bathtub and a few moments later Zak got back, Darryl was staring at Zak who's taking off his clothes Darryl bit his bottom lip he was mesmerized on Zak's toned abs and chest, his so hot Darryl thought, Zak knew Darryl was staring at him so he was giving Darryl a good show, as Zak took off his pants Darryl blushed and gulped in fear after seeing Zak's huge bulge on his boxers, Zak then looked at Darryl with an amused face then said in a deep raspy voice," like what you see Derry?" Darryl just blushed then looked away flustered, Zak was about to go on a laughing fit but controlled himself , Zak then got in thee bathtub, then they had a bath together, with thier boxers on of course

Time skip after the bath

They laid down in bed beside each other, Darryl said" Can we cuddle Geppy?" Darryl said in a adorable pleading tone, Zak's heart was melting from the cuteness overload,but decided to tease thee brunette then responded," No,I'm not in the mood", Zak said coldly Darryl knew Zak was joking so he went on with it then said with seriousness "FINE THEN!!!.I'll just find another Alpha", Darryl then turned to his side then got off the bed, as Darryl looked away he was holding his laughter,

Upon hearing that Zak began to panic then felt a ping regret for teasing thee brunette, Zak then replied," Wait no.. Derry I'm sorry I was just joking", Zak said in a worried sad tone, Darryl couldn't believe it Zak actually fell for it, Darryl was holding his laughter then made a serious face then looked back at Zak, "well too late for that ZAK" Darryl said emphasizing Zak, Darryl then left the room ,

Zak's eyes widens in fear from what he just heard, he got off the bed then quickly went to the door , he twisted the door knob then pulled it in, as the door opened he immediately saw Darryl who's covering his mouth with both of his hands holding his laughter, Zak just walked to Darryl with an unamused face then picked thee brunette up, Darryl calmed down a bit but was still giggling as he wrapped both of his legs on Zak's waist and arms wrap around Zak's neck Darryl then placed his face on Zak's scent glands, while Zak was holding under Darryl's ass for support with his right arm and with the left arm wrapped on Darryl's back,

Darryl blushed as Zak touched his ass, while Zak bit his bottom lip controlling himself from railing Darryl, this is so freaking soft Zak thought to himself, Zak then placed thee brunette on the bed then laid down beside him, they cuddled together they really missed each others presences, they literally didn't slept that well for the past week they missed each others touch and presence, so it was no surprised they fell asleep cuddling it was still pretty early it still 8:31am, but thier lack of sleep through out the week finally got them

Let's go to Gogy

George woke up then cupped his left side where Clay sleeps, it was empty he was all alone in bed, George then opened his eyes but then felt nauseous and dizzy his eyes widens as he felt liking vomiting he cover his mouth with his right hand, then limped to the bathroom he opened the door then went to the toilet, he lifted the toilet cover then vomited, George then retracted his head away from the toilet, then went to the sink and rinse his mouth, then splashed his face with water

"Am I pregnant?", George questioned to himself but then answered," what a stupid question George well no shit if your pregnant you literally got railed so many times", George then looked up at his reflection on the mirror then said,"but you need to make sure first"

After that George brushed his teeth, then went down stairs and made his way to the living room, as he got in the living room he saw a female beta, she was cleaning but looked at George when she felt his presence, "Ohh Hi what could I do for you" her voice was sweet and had an accent but George couldn't put a finger on it,

", Uhm can you buy me a pregnancy test?", George asked the beta shyly and played with his fingers, she then nodded then replied",Sure" she brightly smiled then left living room,she expected it anyways so she didn't questioned it she always hear George screaming Clay's name every night, so it wouldn't be a surprise if George was thinking he was pregnant

George returned back to thier shared bedroom then laid down in bed, after about twenty minutes George was reading a book but looked at the door, as it opened it was the female beta, she walked to George then gave thee brunette a paper bag, George smiled then said,"Th..thank y..you, uhh?" "Ohh call me Niki", the beta replied, George just smiled then said "thank you Niki" Niki just looked at George then smiled and left the room

Awe she's so kind George thought, George then went to the bathroom to do the test, after that he waited for a few minutes, he was scared, nervous, and excited at the same time,scared because he knew pregnancy and giving birth would hurt like a bitch, and then nervous of Clay's reaction if he was really pregnant, and then lasty excited of what the result would be

George looked at the pregnancy test kit with anticipation it was a digital one, after a few more seconds the digital screen said "pregnant", George eyes widens in excitement and a little bit of fear,he didn't know if he should tell Clay now or just wait for a little bit, George panicked but calmed himself down, saying to himself that Clay's gonna be so happy knowing your pregnant

After George calmed down he got out of the bathroom and left the room, he then went to the kitchen to have breakfast

Word count..1112

(Sorry this chap was a bit rushed I'm finishing my school works in advance so I could start on my book 😊)

(I hope the chap was ok if you like it don't forget to vote😊)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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