(Chapter 20)

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Tysm for 6,315 and 321 votes ahhhh I can't believe it tysm 😳

(Anyways 2chaps for today y'all, I hope you enjoy the chapter, don't forget to vote if you did ☺️)

For the past week, the couples were enjoying each other's company well except for Karl he's still warming up with Nick, but Nick was pretty glad Quackity and Karl were now pretty close the two would always hangout have karaoke,watch movies,get wasted, and they also had sex well they haven't told Nick about it, but for the intire week Karl enjoyed himself,while Nick had been struggling controlling himself from railing Karl, but all and all Nick was happy that Karl warmed up towards Quackity, well he is a little jealous and had been rethinking his way of treating Karl,

While Karl and Quackity was having fun for the past week, George and Clay had been pretty horny, Clay literally had forgotten how many times he had railed George,but George wasn't complaining tho well he was pretty sore through out the week,he can't even feel his legs on how numb it was, but sometimes they manage to have sex twice in one day and George and Clay was loving it , so in conclusion George is loving Clay's company and same goes for Clay, and it's currently sunday and Clay gave George's ass a rest well George asked for it tho since his legs were literally non existent at that point,

both of them are also finally official well thanks to Zak for reminding and pushing Clay to finally do it, and both of them are currently cuddling and enjoying each other's scent and company,both of them really scared for thier friends teasing because tomorrow thier all meeting up,

While Clay and George had a pretty horny week the cute couple, Strawberry and Blueberry had a very cute and sweet week of cuddling and kissing, Darryl took it slow about if they would finally gonna mate, Darryl also had deeply thought about it but he still needed more time, Zak was ok about it he respected Darryl's decision, Darryl really adored Zak for respecting his decision it literally made his love for Zak, grew even bigger he does have something that he doesn't like about Zak, and that was Zak treating him like a prisoner he can't go out of the mansion, but he just shrug that off he loves Zak, but still if he gets a chance to escape no doubt his taking it,

Zak and Darryl was currently in bed cuddling, and Zak was giving Darryl small kisses on Darryl's face, Darryl was giggling and laughing while Zak kisses his intire face, they both are literally inseparable they literally want to spend every second with each other, then after a few more kisses Zak stopped and admired Darryl's face then said "goodnight Derry", Darryl just smiled then replied,"Goodnight Geppy" Darryl then buried his head on Zak's chest and fell asleep, Zak was just smiling then kissed thee brunette's head and fell asleep as well

Time skip the next day

Zak, Nick and Clay left the three at the fourth floor, while they went to the underground facility where Zak's meeting room was, thier not really gonna do work thier actually gonna have fun they haven't seen each other for a week, so who knows what stupid things thier gonna do, literally one time Nick got so drunk he started making out with a wall, and started flirting with it as well, Zak had recorded it for he wasn't that drunk at the time, Nick was pretty embarrassed about it when he woke up the next morning, he was pissed that Zak recorded it,

While the tops were doing who knows what, the three omegas were having fun and dissing out George for being so horny," George literally how many times had you and Clay had sex?" Karl asked while giggling," I don't know I lost count already now shut up", George replied with an annoyed tone,"ohh my goodness George are you really that needy" Darryl said while Karl was laughing his ass off to George's stupidness, Darryl and Karl continued on teasing George as if thier not bottoms as well

George got tired of it then said," Fuck you both, both of you are literally acting like your not bottoms just like me", Karl and Darryl went quite and George knew he won, then giggled they then changed the subject of thier conversation, and after that they watched a movie on Netflix, they watched Dynasty thier favorite series,

While the three was enjoying The Dynasty, Someone with binoculars was watching the three from the building Infront of thee mansion, the person said
,"Tsk... Techno operation rescue thee gay squad is a go", the person said ," oh come on it's operation rescue DDH you nimrod", the person just giggled and waited until it was night,

(If your asking why It's called DDH lol it's detective, detective and hacker lol)

The three didn't left the floor they just binged watch Netflix all day, they did had a lot of food in the pantry and the fridge so it was fine, the three was now watching Free Guy, they were haft way through it as they noticed sirens and red and blue lights from out side, then a familiar voice said with a megaphone,
"the mansion is now surrounded there's nowhere to escape surrender now"

The three looked at it each other as a red light signalling the alarm going off, the three ran to the outdoor garden well George was limping, they went to the edge of the garden where there was railings and a view below, the dark night was brighten with bright red and blue lights, Darryl jaw dropped and was excited as well as debating on something, he was finally getting out of the Mansion, but he loves Zak he truly does but the way that Zak is treating him like a prisoner was something he needs to consider, while Darryl was debating on going with the rescue or staying with Zak, Karl was just so excited to get rescued he was finally getting away from Nick, yes his gonna miss Quackity but he wants freedom, but George however

George stood there still he has made his mind his gonna stay with Clay, no matter what he loves Clay, thier the perfect horny couple,

Karl then shouted were here save us please, the three of them look to thier left as grappling hook getting shot sounded and a hook get warped around the railings, Darryl was still pretty hesitant and George was not gonna budging his staying with his mate,

But Karl was so excited a huge smile was plastered on his face as he heard someone climbing, he wanted to escape he wants it now, after a few moments later the three heard a metal door slead shut, it was the entrance to the mansion they were about to look at it,when the person climbing on the rope finally arrived at the garden, the person jumped over thee railing and was now stepping on the stone floors of thee garden

Darryl was confused who it was because of the light not turned on, while Karl however was so excited to finally get saved

To be continued...
(Chapter 21 is already out btw)

Word count...1193

(I hope the chap was ok😊)

(Don't forget to vote if you like my book so far)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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