Chapter 19

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They had been in bed for the past few hours, enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace. Darryl and Zak spent their time cuddling and exchanging kisses. Zak had a fondness for showering Darryl's soft cheeks with affectionate pecks, while Darryl cherished the moments when he could nestle against his alpha, finding solace in Zak's calming scent that inexplicably sparked a craving for blueberry muffins.

"Blueberry, can I bake muffins?" Darryl's muffled voice emerged as he buried his face in Zak's chest, the words still audible despite being somewhat muted. Zak, slightly taken aback, awkwardly scratched the back of his head before responding, "Well, Strawberry, are your legs healed yet?"

Darryl's expression turned quizzical, but then he suddenly recalled what Zak had done to his knees earlier, causing him to make an "Oh" face. Zak, realizing the reason behind Darryl's reaction, began peppering kisses on Darryl's head while saying sorry with each one. Darryl giggled in response and affectionately referred to Zak as "Geppy." The way Darryl pronounced "Skeppy" with a soft 'g' just sounded incredibly cute to Zak, melting his heart.

"Wait, say that again?" Zak requested, intrigued. Darryl, feeling a bit down, asked, "Say what?" Zak replied, "Say 'Skeppy' again." Darryl, sensing Zak's fondness for the nickname, blushed and looked away. Zak chuckled and reassured him, "You're just so adorable and cute, Strawberry." He kissed Darryl's forehead, and Darryl sighed contentedly, burying his head back into Zak's chest. Zak wrapped his arms tightly around Darryl's back, holding him close, and said, "I'll ask the chef to make you some muffins." Darryl replied gratefully, "Thank you, Blueberry."

Zak smiled, thoroughly enjoying the moment of cuddling with his small brunette boyfriend. He released one of his arms from around Darryl's back and reached for his phone in his pocket. He sent a text message to the chef, requesting strawberry, blueberry, and chocolate chip muffins. Placing his phone on the nightstand, Zak resumed cuddling with his boyfriend.

Time passed, and now they found themselves sitting together on the couch, Darryl nestled between Zak's spread legs. The coffee table in front of them was adorned with muffins, chips, popcorn, and Coke. They were engrossed in watching "The Addams Family 2," thoroughly enjoying the animated movie.

Zak absentmindedly played with Darryl's silky-smooth brunette hair, relishing in the satisfying sensation as his fingers effortlessly glided through the strands. While still focusing on the TV, he rested his head on top of Darryl's and started playfully sniffing his hair. Darryl couldn't help but giggle at the amusing sound of Zak's sniffs.

Clearing his throat, Darryl made a request, "Geppy, can you mark me?" Zak's eyes lit up with joy, as a mark symbolized their commitment to one another. However, it was uncommon for alphas to be marked, as it was seen as a display of weakness and submission. Brimming with happiness, Zak replied, "Of course, Strawberry." Darryl adjusted his body to face Zak, and Zak leaned in toward Darryl's scent glands, ready to claim him as his own. Darryl tilted his head, offering more access, and Zak proceeded to lick and suck on his scent glands, Darryl moaned as he sucked it, which made Zak smirk; after a few moments, Zak dug his teeth into Darryl's scent glands, making Darryl to howl in pain; after that, Zak drew away and licked the blood off.

Darryl's face lit up with a smile, realizing that he had now been marked by the person he loved. They embraced each other warmly, continuing to enjoy the movie while indulging in muffins, chips, and popcorn. After the movie, they sat down to have dinner-a delightful carbonara. Darryl thoroughly enjoyed the creamy and smooth dish, and Zak shared in his enthusiasm. They were still on the fourth floor, which conveniently housed a kitchen.

Following dinner, Zak lovingly carried Darryl to their room as Darryl expressed his desire for a bath. Zak turned on the faucet, adjusting it to the perfect temperature before placing a bath bomb into the tub. Darryl, now in his boxers, was gently lifted by Zak and settled into the bathtub. Zak planted a tender kiss on Darryl's forehead before leaving the bathroom, retiring to the bed. He playfully called out, "Just call me when you're done, Strawberry." Darryl responded with a giggle, replying, "Ok Geppy."

Zak smiled at the nickname, unlocking his phone and beginning to watch YouTube. Four minutes into his viewing session, a notification from iMessage appeared, leading him to Clay's contact. The message read, "I NOW HAVE A MATE, HIS NAME IS GEORGE, AND HE'S ALSO AN OMEGA," sent by Clay.

"That's great, dude! Was it forced, or did you two fall in love?" Zak replied, adding a teasing emoji.

"Well, I did kidnap him, but he's just as horny as I am," Clay responded with a laughing emoji.

"Well, then you two are a perfect match. By the way, Darryl and I are now officially together, and I just marked him. He's really happy right now," Zak shared with enthusiasm.

Clay didn't reply, and Zak knew exactly why.

"Did you guys have sex without talking or becoming official?" Zak added, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Yes. By the way, I got Sapnap and his boyfriend an omega too. His name is Karl, and I think George and Karl are friends with Darryl," Clay divulged.

Zak facepalmed, a mix of disbelief and worry creeping in as he read about Darryl's connection to these individuals. He turned off his phone, and shortly after, Darryl called out for Zak. Zak got up and headed to the bathroom, assisting Darryl in changing clothes. They returned to their bed and embraced each other, relishing in the comfortable silence that enveloped them, devoid of any awkwardness or tension.

"Geppy, can I meet up with my friends? I know they're worried about me," Darryl requested, gazing at Zak. Zak sighed, realizing that he had to come clean to Darryl now; otherwise, it would only erode his trust if he kept it a secret. He responded, "Darryl, your friends are with my friends. George is with Clay, and Karl is with Nick and his boyfriend." Darryl's eyes widened in fear as his mind conjured various scenarios of what might have happened to his friends.

Zak observed his distress and quickly reassured him, saying, "But don't worry, Karl is actually enjoying his time at Nick's-at least, I hope so. As for George, he's now mated and quite lustful, according to Clay." Zak chuckled, but Darryl merely rolled his eyes and remarked, "Well, I hope they're safe. If anything happens to them, I'll never forgive you, Zak," his voice laced with bitterness. Zak nodded, swallowing hard, and Darryl reverted to his sleeping position.

Zak shook his head from side to side, silently amused at how quickly Darryl's feelings changed, then sighed and kissed Darryl's head, hugged Darryl, and fell asleep, smiling because tomorrow will be another day of cuddling with his beloved.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please remember to vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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