Chapter 6

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After the successful rescue mission, time passes.

Zak, Nick, and Clay were in the meeting room playing bed wars on their Laptops, when a flash report came in and interrupted the program playing on the TV, which caught their attention, they all raised an eyebrow to what was it about, but their faces quickly turned from laughing with joy to rage and frustration when they heard what the news was about.

"Breaking news... an auction for omegas was discovered and was stopped before any omegas were sold, In total, 1 male and 70 female omegas were rescued and are now safe, thanks to our police forces, and thanks to the successful investigation of detective Badboyhalo and tha-".

TW. Mention of torture, I'll tell you where it ends.

The news anchor hadn't finished when Zak threw his laptop at the TV, causing it to fall and crash on the floor. While screaming, Zak said, "that stupid son of a bitch detective did it again! When I get my hands on that stupid mother fucking bitch, I'm going to stab him, electrocute him, burn him, make him a punching bag, and hit him with a mallet repeatedly."

He calmed down a little, took a breath, grinned like a psychopath, and said, "I'm going to enjoy the sound of his screams of agony and pain, I want to see blood dripping down his face making a puddle on the floor, I'm going to make sure his going to have a slow and very painful death." Zak then began to laugh maniacally, which frightened Clay and Nick, who had just left the room with their Laptops.

(How did it go?)

TW comes to an end.

[If you skipped it, he screamed and threw his Laptop at the TV]

Zak then proceeded to destroy the entire room while screaming, throwing bottles of expensive champagnes and wines on the walls and floors, he flipped the table up side down causing the glasses and glass pitcher to all shatter on the floor causing the floor to be filled with glass shards, he then picked up a rifle and shot it continuously, he accidentally shot down the chains holding the huge chandelier on the ceiling causing it to fall and shatter the marble tile floor, he then screamed, "You messed with the wrong mafia, you stupid mother fucking son of a bitch detective," and fired the rifle at the ceiling until the bullets ran out, then stomped towards the door and kicked it down.

He then gave his assistant Cara a death glare, causing the beta to shiver in fear. He then said, "Call someone to fix this," with venom, to which the beta simply nodded and went her way out of Zak's sight.

Zak then went to his room and lay down on his bed, furious and his hands twitching as if he wanted to strangle someone to death. He then took out his phone and unlocked it, and he immediately calmed down when he saw the small adorable brunette Darryl as his home screen wallpaper.

He sighed and said, "You're the only one who can make me calm down, Strawberry," he sighed and closed his eyes, and the adrenaline finally left his body, causing tiredness to overtake him, and he immediately felt his eye lids become heavy, and he finally fell asleep.

Let's go to Darryl

While Zak slept due to exhaustion, the three crack heads went to George's house after work to have a sleepover, they all agreed to just borrow some clothes from George, when they arrived at George's house Darryl wanted to bake some muffins he said "hey George could I make muffins and brownies?"

"of course that would be wonderful just text me the ingredients so I have a list, I have to get some snacks anyways" George replied, Darryl then took out his phone and texted everything.

When George arrived, Darryl immediately began making the brownies and muffins, making sure to make their favorite fudgy brownies. He then made the muffin batter and poured it in two separate bowls, deciding to make strawberry and blueberry muffins, putting some strawberry bits on the first bowl and some chopped blueberries on the other muffin batter.

He heated the two ovens, placed the brownies in the first one, and the muffins in the second. He then chuckled and set a timer, wondering why the heck George had two ovens when he could barely cook an egg.

When the timer rang, he quickly turned off the timer, removed the muffins and brownies, and let them cool. He then went to the living room, where George had just started playing Miley Cyrus' song Party in the U.S.A., and the three of them started singing. Karl then said.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie?"
That would be amazing, though, what movie?" Darryl questioned.

George inquired, "Uh, how about the new horror movie?"

Darryl said, "Sure and let's make a bet: whoever leaves or covers their eyes first loses."

Karl responded, "Okay, I'll bet $1,000; how about you guys?"

George responded, "Whoa, then I'll bet $1,000 as well,".

" Ok I'll bet 1k as well" Darryl said grinning.

Darryl placed the muffins and brownies on a plate and took some chips and a coke, he then brought it into the living room, where there were three bean bags, they all sat down and watched the horror movie, not even 10 minutes in George began to shake and get scared, the last straw for George was the jump scare, which he screamed and just accept defeat, which caused the other two to just laugh, well Karl made a nervous laugh because his terrified at that moment.

Darryl, on the other hand, was enjoying the movie, and after 30 minutes, Karl simply said, "You win Darryl, I don't know how you did it, because that movie was terrifying." George then walked into the living room and replied, "Yeah, it was," Darryl just chuckled and said, "Thanks for the $2k," he said while giggling.

They just played bed wars for 3 hours straight after the movie, increasing their win streak to 50. They all screamed from joy after that, George gave Darryl and Karl some PJs, George had 3 guest bedrooms so Darryl and Karl just took 1 each, they all said their good nights and George went to his room, and they all slept happily that night.


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Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. The comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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