(Chapter 26)

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Flashback to yesterday

For the past week Nick, Quackity and Karl had been hanging out, and Karl had now finally warmed up towards Nick, and it's all thanks to Quackity for showing Nick that kindness is the best way towards an omega's heart, for the past couple of days the three mostly cuddled and watched movies, and the three also tried to bake a cheesecake I mean cake, well it was supposed to be cake but Nick added too much water, so the cake literally was so dense it looked like a cheese cake,

but they just laughed it off, then just ordered some cheesecake from cheesecake factory, while they were eating Nick had a murderous look on both Quackity and Karl who was giggling, because the two ordered cheesecake as a joke to tease Nick even more,Karl was drinking raspberry lemonade then,"awe don't worry Sappy *PFFT* I know your cheesecake taste better", Quackity said holding back his laughter, Karl spat out his drink then started laughing hysterically, then Quackity couldn't hold it as well as he fell off his chair then clutched his stomach while laughing,

Nick was then burning in anger and rage his face was literally burning red, as Quackity stood up he saw Nick's burning anger, he held his laughter by pressing his lips together and Nick saw that, Nick then stood up ready to tackle both Karl and Quackity, Quackity then bolted as he saw Nick, and grabbed Karl who yelped Quackity then started running while holding Karl, the two kept giggling while Nick started screaming profanities towards Quackity and Karl, and that continued for a few more minutes, Nick who's chasing Karl and Quackity who's running around the mansion

Nick then got tired and sat down on the couch,Nick then started to become moody and ignored Karl and Quackity, but it didn't last long as it only took a kiss from Karl and Quackity on Nick's lips for Nick to forgive them both, Quackity and Karl then snickered"simp", Nick then replied "Now let's cuddle in bed before I fuck you both", Quackity and Karl blushed then nodded they were both flustered,

The three then cuddled in bed and fell asleep, Karl was between Nick and Quackity who's snuggling close to Karl,

Time skip in the morning

Nick and Quackity woke up to Karl whimpering, then they both smelled that Karl's scent was now really intoxicating and ten times sweeter than before, they both looked at Karl who's sweating bullets and clutching his stomach in pain, Karl had his first ever heat since he stopped taking heat suppressants,

Karl then said," help me please", while clutching on Nick's shirt, Nick smirked and looked at Quackity who's smirking as well, because they both know that the only way for the pain to stop is to mate thee whimpering brunette, yes Quackity and Karl had sex before but Quackity didn't you know inside of Karl

Nick then said,"awe does our little puppy needs help getting rid of his cramps?", Karl nodded aggressively earning a grin from Nick and Quackity, omegas tend to become horny af in heat as thier body wants to get mated,

Quackity and Nick waited for Karl's heat to come down a bit before another wave of cramps comes to Karl, they needed Karl on his right mind for them to have consent, and then Karl's heat came down and Quackity and Nick knew that as Karl stopped clutching his stomach,

"Are you really sure Karl?,do you really want this?", Nick said in a hush tone, Karl replied,"yes I want this", then Karl received another wave of heat and whimpered in pain, Quackity and Nick looked at each other then smirked thier gonna have lots of fun for the up coming festivities

Time skip after the ✨festivities✨

(Sorry after finding out Quackity was uncomfortable with it I decided to not include it 😊, hope you guys understand )

After mating Karl ,Quackity and Nick was pretty satisfied and about Karl well let's just say his a wreck after the activities they had just done but atleast his unbearable cramps are now gone,Nick left because he was pretty late for his meeting with Clay in his meeting room,so he left Quackity with Karl for thee after care

Quackity didn't mind it since he loves spending time with thee small brunette,oh wait his boyfriend Quackity then went back to the bed and picked Karl up, Quackity smirked looking at Karl who's really red and looked exhausted, then said,"did you enjoyed our little play time earlier baby?" Quackity said in a deep voice, Karl blushed and got flustered, then hid his head on Quackity's chest then nodded

Quackity just chuckled as they went to the bathroom to do the aftercare, after both of them took a bath, they then changed to more comfortable clothing, both of them wore sweat pants and a t-shirt, Quackity then picked Karl up because the brunette was now really sore and couldn't even stand up, and set him on the couch while Quackity changed the bedings and pillow cases, Karl was fell asleep on the couch so when Quackity came back to Karl, Karl was curled up into a ball and looked so cute, Quackity then kissed Karl's cheeks then picked him up, Quackity then placed Karl on the bed,

then laid down beside Karl, he then spooned Karl and put his nose in the back of Karl's neck near the brunette's scent glands, Quackity smirked a bit after getting a small glimpse of both of mate mark him and Nick placed, Quackity then fell asleep enjoying Karl's sweet honey scent,

While Quackity and Karl was snuggling together and sleeping peacefully, Nick was smirking while walking to the meeting room, he was really happy knowing Karl is now thier boyfriend and mate, and just remembering that Karl was on his heat when they did it, makes Nick's smirk even bigger since omegas has a lot more chance of conceiving when on heat, so if Karl did conceived thier gonna have pups

Nick then arrived at the waiting room and was greeted with an annoyed Clay sitting who's been waiting for him for hours, Nick and Clay then started the meeting so they could go back to thier omegas early so they could cuddle

Word count...1061

(I hope that wasn't that bad if it wasn't that bad don't forget to vote)

(Sorry it was mostly filler since I needed to improvise, after knowing Quackity wasn't comfortable with nsfw about himself😊)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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