(Chapter 21)

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The person had white hair that's on a high bun hairstyle and had blue eyes and was wearing a black jumpsuit, with knives on thier belt with a pistol on thier right thigh and was clearly a female beta, the person then started running towards Darryl then hugged him," Darryl omg omg, that stupid pink haired bitch, literally separated us"the person said while hugging Darryl tightly ,

Darryl was still confused to who it was, but then the person pulled away and smiled at Darryl brightly, then Darryl knew exactly who the person was, it was his bestfriend ", M..ma..Mae?,oh my goodness I haven't seen you in so long, how was thee UK? and why are you here?", Darryl said stuttering a bit

," I'm here to save my bestie now come on and thee UK was meh", Mae responded excitedly, Darryl was still hesitant ,he loves Zak he truly does he wants Zak to be his mate and to be with Zak every second of the day, he felt like he wouldn't survive if he doesn't see his Blueberry even for just one day,

Darryl sighed then replied,"No I'm not leaving I'm staying with Skeppy", the authorities still doesn't know Zak's name is so that's why he said Skeppy, Mae was shocked she missed her best friend she wants to hangout with him after this, she was quite angry and said," WHAT?!.. snap out of it Darryl his a mafia boss a criminal his a bad guy, HE SELLS OMEGAS!! and Drugs!!", Darryl just shook his head," I don't care I love him",

Mae was furious seeing his friend having
stockholm syndrome, she slapped Darryl pretty hard on Darryl's right cheek causing a very loud PAK noise to ne heard Mae then said," snap out of it Darryl you have stockholm syndrome*voice tone changed to soft", now please let's leave I know deep down you want to leave and have freedom" Mae said in a soft voice,

Darryl then realized yes he loves Zak but he also wants freedom he wants to be free, Darryl then nodded to Mae then said", your right now come on bestie", Mae smiled brightly seeing her bestie snap out of it, as well as Karl, but George wasn't moving George then said," yeah I'm staying", Mae then face palmed then said,"Carry that bitch and let's freaking leave NOW!, there's a net ready to catch us so let's just jump off", Darryl then Karl lifted George causing George to scream and have a tantrum, they looked below were Mae climbed up and their was a net ready to catch them,

Mae climbed the railings, they were pretty busy to hear the elevator making a ding noise so they didn't noticed, Mae was about to help Darryl get up the railings, when she got shot on her left shoulder by Nick , Causing her to fall off Darryl screamed seeing his best friend land on thee net safely but was pretty bloody, Darryl was about to jump off when Zak grabbed him ,Darryl screamed as he saw Mae getting put inside an ambulance, Darryl looked around seeing Karl squirming in Nick's grip while George was being carried to the couch by Clay

Then a few loud bangs was heard as the police is breaking, the large metal seal on the entrance of thee mansion Zak, Nick and Clay, ran to thee elevator carrying the three brunettes, Zak then pressed the first floor then scanned the key card, the elevator went down and made a ding and they head out, Darryl was crying hoping Mae was ok, and Karl was brawling his eyes out, as his hope of freedom was gone yet again, but George however was sleeping peacefully in Clay's grip,

The three alpha's was running towards thee entrance of thee underground facility, Carrying thier omegas, the metal seal on the entrance of thee mansion was now breaking, thee alpha's was now at the entrance of the facility they went inside and closed the entrance with a automatic sliding metal door, it was really heavy and thiccc with three c's,

The three alpha's ran to through the long hallway, after two minutes of running they finally arrived at the secret exit of the underground facility, it had cars and many supplies Zak, Nick and Clay got in one of the cars with the three brunettes of course, Zak was the who's driving, Zak pressed a remote and the gate of thee secret exit opened, and Zak then press the Car ignition and the ingine was now on, Zak then stepped on the gas pedal, and drove off

The three brunette's fell asleep Karl and Darryl fell asleep because of crying,while George fell asleep happily knowing he was not saved and was still with his alpha, the three alpha's had a few conversations here and there, they were now heading to another hide out

"So Zak do you think the authorities know our identities?" Nick asked while looking at thee window

"Nope I'm sure of it, plus we have had our masks on when they attacked, so even if they know what our name is, we could just change our names easily" Zak replied to Nick whilst driving

"B...but if that's really the case wouldn't it hard for us to change our names? you know since many people are after us and all" Clay responded, whilst combing George's fluffy hair

Zak then sighed then said,"Yes but if you have money you have power and control in this world, and we have a lot of it lol", they all chuckled and they continued to make jokes to soothe the tension after the event

After twenty more minutes of driving and they finally arrived at the hide out, it was located on thee country side, no neighbors no car passing by, the mansion was surrounded with tree so it was a perfect spot to hide in

The three alpha's carried George, Darryl and Karl out of the car, then headed inside thee mansion, it was really big and looked really modern and fancy as expected from Zak," Ok so there are exactly ten rooms upstairs so just pick one", Zak said to Clay and Nick, " Ok Zak I'll be sleeping by the way if you need me" Clay responded, "as well as me" Nick Nick added on

Zak just smiled, then went upstairs as well whilst carrying Darryl , and went to thee end of a long hall way, and opened the big double doors and it was the master's bedroom, Zak then went to the bed and set Darryl down,

he then laid down beside Darryl then cuddled Darryl," I'm not letting you go Darryl I love you so much", Zak said then smiled then continued," But don't worry I'm not punishing you because one I did kidnapped you, and two I promised I'm never gonna hurt my Strawberry again," Zak then kissed Darryl's lips then fell asleep

Clay and George was also in thier room cuddling and sleeping it was a long day after all, so thier tired, while Nick was also at a bed room that he chose, he was currently texting Quackity

"Sorry babe we had a little trouble, So me and Karl can't go home right now but I'll send you thee address where we are, you can you either use thee tesla or Lamborghini, love you" he texted to Quackity

"So this is thee address babe, Eastberg river side valley, see then babe", added by Nick

"Ok babe bye for now ps I hope my two beloveds are ok and safe"replied by Quackity

Nick then set his phone down on thee night stand, and laid down beside Karl then started hugging Karl, he sighed knowing he can't hurt thee brunette, because he can't use violence to someone he loves just to follow thier orders, he needs to love them and treat them with kindness, he doesn't want another thing that thee brunette hates about him ,

Nick then sighed then said, Quackity was right "kindness is the best way for anyone to warm up to you not violence", Nick then kissed Karl's forehead, then press his forehead against Karl's, then added"don't worry Karl I'm not gonna hurt you anymore, tomorrow you'll see a loving and kind Nick" Nick then smiled seeing how cute Karl looked, he cuddled with Karl then fell asleep

Word count...1411

(I hope that was good, I slept at 2am lol)

(Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chap don't forget to vote you guys did ☺️)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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