Chapter 17

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When Techno arrived at his office, he opened the door, went to his seat, and sat down. Techno pressed a button, and a few minutes later, a raven-haired, brown-eyed beta entered. The beta was holding a cup of coffee, and he placed it on Techno's table. The beta was about to leave, but he decided to stay.

Hey Foolish, can you ask George and Karl to come here? Techno asked. Foolish appeared a little uneasy, which caused Techno to raise an eyebrow. Foolish responded, "Well, you see, George's car has been in the drive way for two days," then stopped and started fidgeting with his hands.

Techno was listening then said,"go on,"Foolish cleared his throat,"THEY HAVEN'T BEEN HERE SINCE YESTERDAY, AND PEOPLE FROM NEAR BY SAW AN ALPHA CARRYING A SMALL BOY TO A CAR!"Foolish said very quickly then looked down on the floor, Techno widens his eyes then asked,"so were they taken?"

Foolish then nodded slightly and mumbled a weak yes while keeping his gaze on the floor, Techno was furious from what he had just heard and screamed, "Then don't just fucking stand there, order a freaking detective and a hacker to do something!"

As Karl's replacement as an assistant, Foolish was shaking because he hadn't yet encountered Techno in a crazed state. He then scurried off to the nearby detectives and hackers to request that they launch an investigation.

Since he already had his suspensions, Techno tried to calm down while Foolish was telling a detective what had happened. He didn't want to destroy his entire office, so he succeeded in doing so. After learning that Karl and George had been abducted by the Diamond mafia or one of its close mafia business partners, Techno huffed that he had just lost another two good employees and friends, but he was determined to get them back.

Back to Dnf

Clay was determined to get back at thee brunette after eating breakfast; he wants thee brunette to experience what he had earlier; he wants to make thee brunette horny and hard, then leave him hanging to take care of his problem.

Clay and George were currently in the living room watching Netflix, it was Rick and Morty, he let George choose what to watch to keep the brunette distracted so he could formulate a plan, George was enjoying the show while a mischievous grin crept across Clay's face, as he now have a plan he stood up then said," don't even try Fucking escaping the house is full of guards and security cameras."Got that Georgie?" George just nodded then his gaze went back to the Tv.

Clay went upstairs to change his clothes, smirking as he changed into a black tanktop, green hoodie, and gray joggers. After changing, he went outside his room and sprinted through the hallway, then he went back to the living room and sat beside George.

"It's very hot today, isn't Georgie?" Clay said as he removed his hoodie, George raised an eyebrow because it was actually pretty cold, but George didn't question it because George thought the alpha's body was just making too much body heat, Clay has now removed his hoodie, Clay placed his right hand on George's thighs, George liked the warm hand on his thigh, he looked at Clay then blushed. He was clearly turned on when he saw Clay's veiny hands, as well as his muscular shoulders and body.

And Clay was wearing a skin-tight black tanktop that looked so hot.
After seeing Clay's abs and muscular chest imprinted on the thight fabric, George didn't notice that he had been staring at the Alpha's body features until, Clay closed George's mouth," Liking the view Georgie?" Clay's said, as Clay started massaging George's thighs with one of his hands, squeezing it gently George was pretty turned on his tent zoon rosed, Clay saw that then smirked knowing his plan.

Clay smiled triumphantly as George picked Clay's hand and tucked it under his shirt, Clay's voiced hitch as he touched the brunette's soft stomach and chest, George then looked at Clay and placed his index finger seductively on his lips, George then looked at Clay's crotch, then back to Clay's green eyes.

George then began to slowly suck his index finger while biting his lower lip.
Clay gulped at the sight of George; he had no idea it could turn a whole one eighty in a matter of seconds. Clay looked back at the TV, stunned, and choked on his silava as George began to palm Clay's crotch.

"Ge..... George you d... don't want to do this right?" Clay asked in a shaky voice, "but what if I do want it master?" George replied seductively.

Clay gulped as he saw George's shirt flaying and landing on the table, then he looked at George and saw George's pale and soft unmarked skin, Clay looked at George's eyes then George's chest, which George knew what he meant and nodded. Clay then placed his lips on George's chest and began sucking, leaving a mark on George's pale skin. George moaned as Clay's warm lips came into contact with his skin, which turned Clay on even more.

Clay then picked up George and carried him upstairs. Clay then began sucking on George's neck, avoiding the scent glands, then found George's sensitive spot, nibbling and biting it, and George simply moaned from the pleasure.

Clay then entered his room, opening the door while still marking George's neck to avoid the scent glands. Clay then gently placed George on the bed, then looked at George, who had messy hair and saliva all over the small brunette, who looked absolutely beautiful in his eyes.

"George, do you really want to do this?" Clay asked quietly and understandingly. George nodded eagerly, and Clay smirked.

"Use your words, pup," Clay replied seductively.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please remember to vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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