(Chapter 23)

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Ty ty ty

(Anyways enjoy the chapter if you did don't forget to vote)
Time skip 1 week

For the past week Darryl and Zak's only interaction is when Zak brings Darryl food, they haven't talked nor had touched each others skin, and Zak hated it he wanted to cuddle with Darryl, kiss Darryl, and shower thee brunette with love and affection, but he couldn't he can't Darryl needs space he needs time to think, and Zak needs to respect that

Zak sighed as he was balancing a food tray with food with his left hand, whilst his right one on thee door knob, it was thee eighth day without a conversation nor touch from Darryl, and Zak thinking about it was setting him on thee verge of crying, then he twisted thee door knob then pushed it inward, his gazed then landed on thee brunette who's lost in his thoughts whilst staring blankly on the ceiling, Zak was pretty worried since Darryl hasn't came out of the room nor got out of bed well maybe besides bathroom trips for the past week, but he was still thankful that Darryl was still eating,

Zak made his way to the night stand and placed the tray of food on it, Zak then looked at Darryl then said," here's your breakfast Derry", Zak said in a soft and cheerful tone, Zak may look physically fine but deep down his on the brink of a mental breakdown, Darryl then looked at Zak ,Darryl looked horrible at that time he looked sick,messy hair, puffy eyes, and really pale skin, Zak just smiled at Darryl holding back his tears, and Darryl returned it and smiled back the smile looked sad and weak , Zak then snapped he couldn't take anymore,

Zak turned around and covered his mouth and nose with the back of his right hand, he started running out of the room accidentally slamming the door on his way out, Zak then ran to the bathroom down the hall he went inside and slammed the door shut, he then had a breakdown and fell on the floor, he curled into a ball and continued crying on his knees choked sobs and cries of despair was then heard by Darryl,

Darryl heard Zak's cries and sobs he felt a ping of guilt as he didn't know that by distancing himself from Zak, would cause Zak a mental break down, he felt guilt mixed with regret for taking too long to think Darryl then said in his thoughts,"I'm so dumb your so stupid Darryl, look at what you had done to Zak he clearly loves you and your literally out here, doubting your love for him", Darryl sat up on the bed then grabbed a fist full of his hair with both of his hands, he then mentally screamed"*screams* your an idiot stupid stupid,", Darryl then started crying as he heard Zak's cries even more, his heart ached hearing Zak's cries of despair and sorrow

Darryl then thought,"What are you even thinking Darryl, don't blame your self do you think Zak would be happy seeing you like this?, No, his just gonna feel guilty do you want that?" Darryl then looked up he sighed then wiped his tears

(Lol why did that sounded like his dead)

Darryl got off the bed and stood up, he lost balanced but quickly regained it as he placed his hand on the bedside table pushing himself up, as he remove his hand off the table his legs started to shake, he didn't really stood up that much for the past week he only stood up, when he goes to the bathroom which the last time was six hours ago, Darryl then took slow steps forward but immediately took much faster one's as his legs stopped shaking, he practically raced walked through the hallway, he then arrived at the bathroom door he hesitantly grabbed the door knob, Zak's cries was still heard but did calmed down a bit,

Darryl inhaled through his nose then closed his eyes and thinned his lips, he then exhaled through his mouth as he twisted the door knob, he pushed it in and immediately saw Zak on the floor curled up into tight a ball crying on his knees, Darryl rushed to Zak hugging him thightly, Zak looked up and saw Darryl hugging him so of course he hugged back, both of them were in joy finally feeling each others skin against thierselves, Whilst Zak's sobs calmed down Darryl was once again lost in his thoughts

"Is this true love or stockholm syndrome?," Darryl questioned to himself while Zak was hugging and enjoying thee brunette's presence's,"wai.. wait so what if Zak wasn't a mafia leader, what if he didn't kidnapped you?, Would you still feel the same affection to him right now?," Darryl questioned to himself," but then answered his own question," YES I WOULD!Blueberry's clingy behavior,his little chuckles, the way he covers his face with his hoodie selves, his personality and everything about him made me fall in love with him, well minus his anger issues*giggled*", Zak was caught off guard on why Darryl giggled

"Darryl?*sniffs*wha..why did ya giggled?", Zak asked wiping his tears, Darryl pulled away from the hug then smiled brightly, "because I love you Blueberry your personality and everything about you is perfect and that's why I fell for you", Darryl said then kissed Zak's lips the kiss only lasted ten seconds but it felt amazing,"well except for your anger issues that we need to work on " Darryl added then giggled ,Zak just rolled his eyes then stood up Zak then lifted Darryl up and carried him to the living room,

Darryl pouted then said," put me Geppy I can walk you know", Zak just chuckled while walking down the stairs then replied," well not in a few days your not" Zak chuckled knowing it would take Darryl a life time to get it, which Zak was right Darryl was confused af ,he didn't know what Zak meant by him not able to walk in the near future, but then remembered George not being able to walk then he finally got what Zak meant

Darryl immediately blushed now knowing what Zak had meant, Darryl lightly hit Zak on the shoulder then said," LANGUAGE!Geppy language", Darryl acted like he didn't want it but deep down he wanted to get railed, they then arrived at the living room Zak sat on the couch and set Darryl on his lap, Darryl immediately leaned in to Zak's chest enjoying his once missed warmth, Zak just smiled in content knowing Darryl's love for him is true and not just a shitty emotional attachment

They continued cuddling for a bit, but Darryl pulled away then said," Geppy I need a bath", Zak just giggled then replied," well you don't smell that bad to me, but I bet you feel icky and sticky huh?" Darryl just nodded, Zak then picked Darryl up and went to thier room's bathroom Zak always enjoys carrying Darryl, so even Darryl could now walk his still gonna carry thee brunette,

Word count...1184

(I hope the chapter was good 😊)

(Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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