(Chapter 22)

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Tysm for 7,119 reads and 351 votes I can't believe it ty ☺️

(Anyways i hope the chap isn't that bad)
It was currently 10:24am in the morning and Darryl woke up to Zak shifting a bit, Zak was already a wake but was still cuddling with Darryl, Zak really loves cuddling with Darryl and same geos with Darryl, but after what Mae had said Darryl has been doubting if he does truly love Zak or it's just stockholm syndrome, he doesn't really know that yet but he hopes he can find the answer

"Zak can you let me go now", Darryl said muffled as his face was buried on Zak's chest, Zak heard that and his heart immediately ached after hearing Darryl calling him Zak, and not Geppy or Blueberry,Zak let go of Darryl then said,"wha....why did you call me Zak and not Geppy or Blueberry?, Is there something wrong Strawberry?", Zak asked with a sad and pleading tone, Darryl just sighed then replied," I need time to think Zak *sighed* I need to know  if I love you or it's just stockholm syndrome", Zak's heart shattered into a million pieces seeing thee brunette doubting his love for him

Zak then felt a tear fell down his cheek  he wiped it off then said,"ok I'll give you some space then", Zak said while getting up, Darryl missed the warmpth coming from thee alpha, but his still is doubting his love for Zak, so Darryl thought it's for the best, Darryl then heard a click signaling Zak has already left, while Darryl was thinking about his doubting love for Zak, he was also thinking if his friend was ok, Darryl may look calm while looking at thee gray ceiling,

but his mind was storming through his thoughts about weather he loves Zak or not, while Darryl was thinking Zak was heart broken he wants to be with Darryl he wants to hear Darryl's cute little giggles,he wants Darryl to call him Blueberry or Geppy, his heart ached but he knew Darryl needed space, Zak came down stairs and walked in the dining room and saw Clay, George, Quackity,Nick and Karl sitting on thee large and long table, George and Clay were really sweet with each other as expected, while Karl was a little bit down but Quackity and Nick was cheering Karl up, well it seems to work seeing a hint of happiness could be seen on those gray eyes,

Zak sighed seeing his friends with thier lovers, while his needed some time away from him, everyone looked at him and immediately knew what had happened

"Dude it's ok I know Darryl loves you, just give him more time to think, he'll eventually know that his love for you is true"Clay said before eating some pancakes

Zak just nooded then replied," I hope so", Zak then placed some pancakes on his plate then started eating, he ate in silence but he did heard about his friends conversations, but didn't bother listening he was just too worried whether Darryl would notice his love for him or not, while eating Zak told one of his workers to go buy some Panda Express for Darryl, he knew Darryl needed to eat because yesterday Darryl only ate chocolate, pastries and chips, after eating Zak left the dining room, Nick was about to say something but Clay looked at him and shook his head signalling for him to just  let Zak be, Nick just sighed then made his gaze back to Karl

Zak then left the dining room and went to the living room he sat down, he scrolled through his emails reading and responding to them, until a male worker said "good morning sir this is the panda express that you had requested", Zak just looked at him coldly then nodded, the worker just nodded and placed the food on thee coffee table the worker then left the room without a word from Zak,as the worker left Zak's face turned from cold and emotionless to despair and worried he needs to look intimidating because if not his workers would see him weak, Zak then stood up and grabbed the paper bag then went upstairs to the masters bedroom,

Zak opened the door then went in he saw  thee brunette lost in his thoughts, Darryl looked like he was crying a few minutes ago but Zak didn't said a word, Zak then placed the food on thee night stand then said in a soft hush tone,"Derry you should eat", Darryl then smiled and looked Zak, Zak's heart warmed up a bit seeing the small brunette smile, Zak then left the room when he closed the door, Zak made a few calls to his employees and requested, to know on how Mae was doing because he knew Darryl is really worried about her health right now

After that Zak went back to the living room and started doing some paperwork, while Zak was doing his paperwork Darryl was eating some dumplings and chow Maine, he didn't really had wanted to right now but he still ate, while Darryl was eating Zak opened the door then pooked his in the room with an understanding smile plastered on his face, Darryl looked up there was noddles still dangling from his mouth and Zak found that really cute,

Zak then said," Ok good news Derry, so Mae is ok she did lost a lot of blood but she's ok," Darryl then felt a wave of relief hearing that then replied,"thank you Geppy", Zak then felt his heart warm up as his stomach was swarmed with butterflies, he was glad Darryl called him Geppy, Zak then said," nope problem Strawberry", Darryl blushed a bit after hearing the nickname, Zak saw that and now has a slither of hope that Darryl truly does love him,Zak just smiled back then retracted his head back outside the room,

When Zak went down stairs he saw his friends, waiting for him Zak was a little confused about it

"Hey Zak so we're gonna head home now  my assistant called me and my work is piling up" Clay said

"Yeah me too" Nick added

Zak just smiled then said", of course have a safe trip"

Nick and Clay then smiled and called thier lovers who's in the living room, Clay opened the door and they all head out as well as Zak, Clay and George got in a car while Nick, Quackity and Karl got in another car, Zak then watched as they all  drove off,Zak just sighed knowing it's gonna be an agonizingly long and sad week without Darryl's company

Word count...1098

(Sorry if that wasn't that good my school works are piling up, and I'm also numb so I feel nothing when reading angst lol, but anyways I hope it wasn't that bad ☺️)

(Don't forget to vote if the chap was ok)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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