Chapter 15

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After receiving the call from Nick, Clay was intrigued because Darryl, Karl, and George all had a faint but sweet odor. When Darryl and Karl were later revealed to be omegas, Clay got up and went to the guest bedroom where he had placed George. He unlocked the door's numerous locks and opened it when a wave of sweet and intoxicating scent hit his nostrils, letting him know that George was also an omega. Clay then went in and closed the door before locking it with a key.

Clay then picked up George, and placed George's head on his thigh, then Clay admired George's beautiful and adorable face, Clay's eyes soon darted on George's pink plump lips that he had kissed yesterday, Clay still remembered the cherry flavor on those soft kissable lips, he wanted to experience it again, he was leaning down slowly whilst being excited to kiss the brunette, but then George's eyes fluttered opened, and was filled with confusion and fear.

George then said to Clay, "wha...what are you doing?, and who the fuck are you?" George said in a loud tone that made Clay smirk, "I was going to kiss you Georgie," George was shocked because he expected thee alpha to atleast lie, George got up and backed away and was now at the bed head board, Clay walked on all fours to George, Clay said with a smug grin, "ohh and who am I you ask? I'm your master Georgie, and your now all mine to have." George was terrified and enraged.

Clay then said, "And as your master, you have to follow my every order or you'll get a punishment," in a playful tone, to which George quickly yelped. Clay then got up and looked at the enraged brunette, who stood up and went to the bathroom but forgot to close the door.

When George was in the bathroom, he first looked at the mirror before mocking, murmuring, and repeating what Clay had said just moments earlier. His eyes quickly widened when he looked to his right and saw the alpha, who was crossing his arms and leaning at the door frame with an expression of unamusedment on his face.

George simply said, "Hello," but yelped when Clay went to grab his sides, carried him, and threw him on the bed. Clay then crawled on top of George, whispering, "Do that one last freaking time, and I'm going to fuck the life out of you." Clay then nibbled on George's ear, then a smirk formed on his face. Clay was excited to see the fear on the small brunette, but was startled to notice George smirking. George then asked, "What if I want you to do that right now Daddy?"

In an effort to tease the alpha and leave him hanging, George slipped away from Clay and stood in front of the bed while Clay was still perplexed and actually turned on by what the brunette had just said. When Clay finally snapped and turned to face George, George grinned and pretended to touch his toes, raising his ass up in the air before turning to face Clay innocently, who was now clutching the bedsheets and was now full on hard.

Gritting his teeth, Clay then asked, "Do you really want me to fuck you Georgie?" George responded, "You did say I need to follow your rules Daddy, besides you said I'm all yours," because he was enjoying making fun of Clay and wanting him to lose control. George then slapped his ass while standing back straight.

Clay became even more excited and turned on, so he got up and went to grab George when he said, "Come on Master, fuck me make me scream your name, fuck me as roughest you can, fuck me until I can't walk for a week."

However, George just giggled and ran to the bathroom before Clay could get his hands on him, then closed and locked the door, leaving Clay with his little problem, or should I say big problem. Clay banged on the door and said, "come out George and deal with the problem you just made," Clay said with an annoyed tone, to which George replied, "nope deal with it Master," George said in a teasing tone.

Clay banged on the door, but it didn't budge, so George sighed and took a bath and did his bathroom routine, he also found some spare new tooth brushes from the cabinet below, and after twenty-five minutes he was finally done, he just reused his old clothes because it didn't really feel icky, he opened the bathroom door and went outside, he looked at the bed and saw Clay with a murderous look.

Clay just growled and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, George then looked around the room and saw the bedsheets with a wet stain on them, George felt disgusted so he just sat on the floor.

Clay then came out of the room and went to George and picked him up, George wanted to run but Clay held his wrist, Clay carried George to the kitchen to get breakfast, on the way there George asked "Wha....your what's real name?", Clay just rolled his eyes then said "It's Clay", George just nodded "so Clay, can you please change the bedsheets", Clay just chuckled and replied "no, your sleeping with me".

Clay replied, "Well, if you want to sleep on your bed with cum, your more than welcome to," George was disgusted on what thee alpha had just said, but replied with "fine" then rolled his eyes, they arrived at the kitchen and Clay sat down and placed George on his lap, George wanted to get out of his lap but Clay gave him a death glare, Clay then started feeding George but George didn't like it.

Clay was aware of this, but continued feeding George while kissing his cheeks and occasionally making a few hickeys on the brunette's neck, which caused George to moan, until they had finished breakfast.


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Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. The comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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