Chapter 13

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It has been three days since Darryl vanished, but Karl and George were still hopeful. They were worried sick about Darryl, and the knowledge that he had been kidnapped by the diamond mafia only made them think of various scenarios in which he might have been killed or tortured or sold.

Karl asked in a dejected tone, "Was Darryl really kidnapped by the Diamond mafia?" George simply responded, "Well yeah Teachno already said so, plus Darryl's equipment was found at the crime scene where Techno sent him."

They were currently walking to George's car because Karl was staying at George's house after Darryl went missing. George then smiled at Karl and hugged him. They pulled apart and George said, "don't worry, we'll find him." Karl just smiled and nodded.

They both got in the car, with Karl taking the front passenger seat. George then turned on the car and it started the air-conditioning, which smelled strange and made them think there was another person in the car, but before they could react, they both fell asleep. Clay then popped out of the Range Rover's storage area, smirked, and said, "Hi George " Clay said devilishly. Karl and George were knocked out cold as Clay's wearing a gas mask.


Clay was given access to the agency's server, and while browsing through the employees' names and addresses, he became increasingly bored and was about to shut down his Macbook when he spotted a brunette boy with brown eyes. Mesmerized by how adorable he was and how his fluff brunette locks, looked so perfect on him, he said, "I gotta have him."

Then he devised a plan to sneak into George's car and spray sleeping liquid into the air conditioning. He still has no idea what kind of vehicle George drives, but the server had shown the license plate number, so he would just have to figure out where to hide.

End of Flashback

Clay only wanted to take George, but then he thought, Karl would be an amazing gift for his friend Nick, so that's what he's doing, he was currently driving to Nick's house to give his gift to best friend, Clay put George at the passenger seat while Karl was laying at the back seat of Clay's car, Clay didn't use George car because they might get tracked considering modern cars have a gps and it's pretty difficult to remove.

Clay then looked at George and admired the brunette's soft lips and pale skin, wanting to paint it with purple and red hickeys but stopping himself, he then looked back at the soft pick lips then back at the road, Clay bit his lips he just wanted to kiss George's pink soft kissable lips, he wanted to slid his tongue into George's mouth and explore it, he wanted to hear George's soft moans, he wanted it now, but he needs selfcontrol.

He then turned to face Karl and knew that Nick would adore him. He has known for the past week that Nick has a boyfriend, but he hasn't confronted him because he understands that Nick wants to keep it a secret for the time being. However, he always chuckles because Nick is constantly horny. It would be fine if he wanted to have sex constantly, but since Nick's boyfriend is an alpha, that would mean that neither of them would submit. Therefore by giving them a beta or an omega would be a good idea because they would submit to an alpha. While betas occasionally don't, Clay was certain that Karl was a bottom because of his small stature and frail appearance.

When Clay finally arrived at Nick's house, he got out of the car and left it running while picking up Karl. He then went to the door and pressed the door bell, which rang after a short while. A male alpha wearing a beanie welcomed Clay said, "Hey, I'm Clay. I'm here to see Nick. What's your name by the way?" Clay then asked.

The guy in the beanie replied, "Ohh, it's Quackity Nick's boyfriend," Clay smirked and asked teasingly, "so who's the one who submits?" Quackity just blushed and laughed, "well one of us submits ok.. well eventually but anyways who's that cutie right there?" Quackity said while pointing to the limbed brunette on Clay's arms.

Clay then responded, "Ohh this is Karl, my gift for both of you, caz I already knew Nick was dating an alpha, so that means none of you are going to submit easily," Quackity smiled, both Nick and him wanted an omega or a beta, so he shouted excitedly, "BABE COME HERE!! CLAY HAS A GIFT FOR YOU!"

Nick hurriedly descended the steep staircase and went to Clay. Nick raised an eyebrow and asked, "How did you know we were finding a beta or an omega?" Clay chuckled and responded, "Well after I saw you two making out at the bar, and knew Quackity was an alpha you guys needed someone to submit to you guys ".

Nick went red but just thanked Clay who was wheezing, and went up stairs to place Karl at Quackity and his bed, while Quackity thanked Clay, then Clay said "goodbye" and left. Clay then went to his car and opened the passenger side door and looked at George and kissed his lips, it felt soft and had a cherry flavor, which Clay liked, Clay then pulled away and smiled knowing he now has George.

Clay got in the driver's seat and began driving since he had left the car on, after twenty minutes he arrived at his house, he got out and went to get George, he then picked up George and carried him bridal style, Clay then clicked the car keys and the car made a noise signaling that it was now locked.

Clay knocked on his door, a maid opened it and said good evening sir and bowed, Clay just walked up the stairs and went to a guest room with an outside lock, he entered the room and placed George at the bed, Clay then layed down beside George and hugged the brunette and kissed his cheeks, Clay just smiled then left the room and locked the door from the outside.


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Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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