4. Stupid Dream

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Iesha's POV:

I slipped my fingers into his lovely smooth and silky hair. He was reading me 'The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath'. The sky was blue, and I could hear faint voices of birds chirping and children playing, far away.

My back was leaned against a thick and strong trunk of a tree. His head was laying on my lap as I played with his hair. I looked at him in full of admiration. Deep down I was having this feeling of I was in a fantasy.

"You're interesting," he said and looked up at me. His dark blue eyes met mine and I smiled.

"What are we doing Summer?" I asked blankly. My elevated expression became serious as he just stared at me. He noticed something was bothering me. He sat up and cupped my chin as I pouted.

"An abundant piece of love." he whispered.

"You're an abundant piece of love," this time, he sopke loudly. I blushed.

"I don't want to share you!" I said sadly.

"You won't!" he smiled confidently but it wasn't looking convincing. It was like we were trying to avoid something. I looked up and suddenly my heart was beating fast. My stomach was doing all these weird flips.

"Peach" I saw her standing afar. I felt my blood pressure rising. She made her way to us and a wave of coldness hit me. Summer stood up and went near her, leaving me all alone. His warmth had left my proximity as I felt it was raining over me. Peach looked at me and smirked.

"Claiming what's mine!" she said. She grabbed him and kissed him.

My eyes fluttered open. I was sweating. Realization hit me that it was just a dream.

"Stupid dream!" I cursed as I signed. Waking up feeling, not in the mood was the clue that today was going to be an awful day. The dream was pretty but disturbing. I didn't understand why this was happening to me.

"I don't like Summer! I don't like Summer! I don't like Summer!" I chanted. It was more like I was convincing myself.

I checked my phone and it was just 6 in the morning. I decided to wake up fully. As soon as I stepped out of my bed, a chill ran down my back.


It was a chilly morning. I pulled out a black hoodie that said 'Not in The Mood' on the front side and slipped right into it. I rubbed my arm and blow the air out via my mouth- trying to warm myself up.

"Nooo," I heard peach giggling.

"My sister will wake up!" She spoke slowly.

"I don't care," a teasing and masculine voice replied and she giggled again.

It couldn't be summer. I knew Summer's voice. This was a different, more than a different but recognizable voice. I frowned and I slammed the door open of her bedroom which was half opened and decided to check who she was with.

And, I couldn't believe the audacity of my sister.

There she was, naked with a man on top of her. A man who wasn't Summer hyes but more like Eric James. How did I know? How could I forget his massive tiger tattoo on his shoulder - which was not suiting himself - and his perching on his right ear?

I didn't understand at first but then I realized, she was cheating. She didn't meet Summer for weeks, she didn't brag about him - around me or her friends, then she lied about his a fewer, and going to meet someone who loved the orange color on hand now this.

"You should close your door when you're fucking around, wait... Cheating around, if I must say." I spoke bitterly, disturbing them. They acknowledged my presence. I could see the panic in Peach's eyes and that confirmed my theory.

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