7. Make up sex

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Iesha's POV:

After we had breakfast in silence, Summer insisted on dropping me off at my apartment. The car ride was silent and uncomfortable. I was gazing outside the whole time but no one could deny that there was some tension.

"So... what are your further plans for your birthday?" he broke the silence.

"Nothing!" I replied with a monotonous tone.

After this, he didn't ask me anything. Soon we arrive at my destination. Before getting out, I wanted to clear some things up so I turned to him and found him staring at me.

"About what happened, no one can know, Okay?" I said. "Nothing happened!" I didn't wait for his reply. I opened the car door and got out. I slammed the door shut and made my way to my apartment.

"Wait," he called out.

"What!" I screeched at him. I looked here and there, fearing Peach might see us.

"Happy birthday!" he smiled.

I glared at him and stormed off from there. I made it to my apartment. I went inside my room and threw myself on the bed. I closed my eyes and started crying.

What did I do?

I heard the door unlock again. It might be peach. I thought. I wiped off my tears. I realized I was wearing his clothes. What if Peach sees it? I stood up to change but I heard a knock on my door.

"Iesha? You in?" she called.

"Comin... wait..." I rushed to my cupboard and changed myself into a white gown.

Then I opened the door.

There, Peach stood with a cupcake in her palms with a lit candle.

"Happy Birthday Junior!" I smiled and said thank you.

"Won't let me in?" she raised her brows. I bit my lip and replied. "Of course,"

She came in and sat on the bed. I realized I threw Summer's shirt on the floor. She looked at it and she gave me an anticipated grin.

"Whose that?"

I ran to it and threw it in my cupboard. I closed it and slowly sat next to her.

"Someone's hiding something, Now tell me are you dating someone?"

Instead of answering her question, I grabbed the cupcake from her hand and blew out the candle, and took a small bite of it. It was delicious. I offered her too.

She rolled her eyes and took a bite too.

"Where are you coming from?" I asked as I gave her a look too. I knew where she was coming from. She was with her ex.

"Summer came yesterday, looking for you but you were busy cheating on him," I informed. Her eyes grew wide.

"What did you tell him?" she asked.

"He..." I stopped thinking what should I tell her? I couldn't tell her he took us to a club because I didn't want her to know I was clubbing.

"Nothing, he said nothing. He left!" I didn't tell her what he did to me.

She sighed in relief.

"Iesha, I think..." she started slowly. She was looking down.

"I think... I'm gonna break up with him," she said.

I didn't know what to say but internally I was happy. I was taken aback by her words but I was seeing benefits for both of us. No, three of us.

First, she can be with her ex.

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