16. Summer

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Iesha's POV:

We started hiking and god, portland is so pretty. Each and every step in nature, had punched me in my face with its beauty. I guess I needed this gateway.

The fresh hazy air, birds chirping, the silence with light frequency of positive energy oozing out of the surrounding.

There were 3 stop we had to make till we reach the camp side. This trail was easy because I had completed this one for many times so I was not afraid at all.

"I was lucky, I even got to use gas chromatography and all the other instruments..." I said.

"Really?" Sakshi replied.

I looked back and saw Olivia laughing hard with her guy-friends and I rolled my eyes.

"Miss popular, move fast!" I shouted at her.

"Coming," her thin voice reached my ears. I shifted my attention to Sakshi who was having rough time with the hiking.

She told me she was not a hiking fan.

"My boss was so strict that he wouldn't even let me go out with my seniors for lunch," Sakshi said as we climbed up the rocky area.

"That's cruel," I responded. I turned and extended my hand. She grabbed it and I started pulling her up.

"Thanks," she said.

All of a sudden I lost my balance and fell forward.

I screamed in fear.

I knew I fucked up.

I felt like I was rolling down ground.

I could hear people screaming.

I tried to stop but my hand got bruised trying to stop.

A minute later, my whole body was hurting and I was pretty sure I would need to go to hospital. I was looking forward to this trip.

It was hurting like hell. I tried to stand up bravely but i couldn't. It was hurting. It felt like my whole body was featured.

I gathered courage and sat up. A high pitch noice blocked other voices.

I checked myself. I was bleeding from knees, palms and I was bruised on forehead and arms lightly.

I was relieved that I didn't get any broken ribs. Olivia and Sakshi were saying something but I couldn't hear anything.

I was in pain. A lot of pain.

Even though I was in tremendous pain, my mind went to Summer, wondering what he was doing or how was he.

I was slowly standing up with the help of Olivia and Sakshi.

"Say something, are you okay?" Slowly Olivia's voice penetrated in my system and I glanced at her. She was worried.

I nodded.

Kyle was our classmate and olivia asked him to pick me up.

"How far is the first stop?" Olivia asked.

"Around 300 meters, I can carry her there..." Kyle replied.

"It's fine, I can walk!" I spoke up.

"You're not fine," olivia roared.

"I'm fine," I replied calmly.

"Kyle pick her up,"

"No Kyle..."

Kyle came and picked me up bridal style and I hissed in pain.

"I'm sorry,"

"You're not continuing the hike," olivia informed as she walked forward.

Indian Summer 2022 | My sister's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now