10. Henna Night

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Iaesha's POV:

"Summer," A muscular guy approached us. He was blonde and good-looking.

"India, meet Riley. Riley, this is India." Summer introduced us. Riley smiled warmly and extended his hand as he greeted me.

"Nice to meet you India." His voice was sweet.

I showed him my henna and smiled as I greeted him orally. "Nice to meet you too Riley."

"We went to school together." Summer informed and I nodded.

"Let's grab the dinner, shall we?" He said.

"You hungry?" Summer asked.

"Starving!" I replied as I rubbed my tummy.

"Let's go then," we both followed Riley downstairs and then to the backyard. Mr. Jadeja also had a beach in their backyard just like Summer. It was ineffable. Riley led us to a group of people. They all got hyped up as they noticed Summer.

"How's the food?" Riley asked some guy.

"Everything's delicious," he pinched his fingers.

"... but this..." A brunette with a bob cut pointed at a bowl and spoke. "... Gulab jamun is too good," she said as she ate one of them.

"You sit here, I'll bring us food," Summer informed.

"Okay." He and Riley went away and I was left twig a bunch of unknown people.

"Hey, sit here." The same lady patted beside her. I smiled and sat beside her.

"Hi, I'm Layla." She introduced. She was in Indian attire. She was super pretty.

"Hi, I'm Ie.." I was about to introduce myself as Iesha but then I remembered Summer's words.

"India. I'm India." I greeted with a polite voice.

"Nice name!" She said as she ate another gulab jamun and the. She moaned.

"Is it that good?" I asked and her response was cute. "Heavenly".

"So you're Summer's..." She trailed off.

"Girlfriend." I completed the sentence.

"Cool." She replied with sadness. Her face just went sad like she was upset.

"You know Summer?" I asked in curiosity.

"Know him?" She giggled. "Dated him! We all went to school together but don't worry it was nothing." She smiled warmly.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

"There we go!" Suddenly Summer appeared and sat beside me.

"I brought us, biryani and chicken tikka masala with Naan." He said excitedly.

"You didn't bring her gulab jamun Summer?" Layla asked.

"Shoot! I forgot." He caressed the back of his neck.

"Here, take mine." She put one jamun on our plate.

"They say, sharing food increases your love between a couple." And she winked.

"Says who?" Summer exclaimed.

"Says my drunken ass!" She rolled her eyes. Summer laughed and then turned his attention to me.

"Now, will you be able to eat with this spoon or should I feed you?" I smiled.

"I can manage." I took the spoon from his hand.

I ate biryani with a spoon but Summer fed me that delicious chicken tikka masala with Naan.

The thing I noticed was Summer was quite popular. Everyone adored him. After dinner, I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I removed my henna because it had already dried out. I washed my hands and went back. I saw Summer with some boys and girls, drinking. Layla was beside him couching his arm as they were laughing about something.

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