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Iesha's POV:

I dumbfounded came back to the apartment to find Peace wide awake. I walked past her and took myself to my room. I was not stable. I kept replaying what happened downstairs.

I locked the door and threw myself on the bed as I started staring at the ceiling. I touched the pendant around my neck and started playing with it as I smiled and grinned.

What was happening?

Why was so happy just by that one simple kiss? Why was it special and why was making me like this?

I'm not like Olivia. I had kissed boys but this was different.

Why so suddenly my rigid mindset was melting?

As soon as I closed my eyes, the flashbacks of the event began to appear.

Suddenly my every sense was sensitive. I could feel his skin against mine. I could feel the fabric of his shirt. I felt his hands around my waist. His lips are on mine.

My fingers found their way to my lips as I slightly bit my lip. Again those tingling sensations were back and I opened my eyes in a fraction of a second.

"What should I do? Why is this happening?" I stood up and walked in circles around my bed.

"Does he really like me?" I asked myself.

I took a quick glance at myself. And I gasped.

"Oh ..." I moved closer to the mirror. "My...god!"

I was looking so ugly.

"I went to meet him like this?" I whined at my reflection. My hair was messy, my clothes were old and my face was bare.

Forget everything, the crazy thing was I was wearing a blue-colored Doraemon nightshirt.

"Why?" I looked up to the god.

Next day:

Last night was horrible. I couldn't sleep at all. So when I woke up for my class, I was tired. I could barely open my eyes. I was having a rough day.

I didn't know what to feel at once because I felt all emotions.

Anger, guilty, pathetic, stupid, ugly, annoyed, and bitter but sometimes lovesick.

All because of him.

Anger was the most prominent one of these.

After having a detailed confrontation with myself, I decided to dormant my emotions for a while.

I decided to switch off my phone for a few days. It would be better if I didn't use my phone for a while. I finished my college usually and come back home early. I watched tv, did my homework, and eat alone.

I avoided every possible contact with Peach. Basically, I stayed cooked up in my room.

I started studying. I started with organic chemistry because it was my favorite subject.

My feelings started to dormant as I began to study.

Almost three days had passed by and I was feeling good. I was in a good mood. Peace was not home most of the days and it was just me.

Summer couldn't bother me. I was thinking to use my phone again too but if I was being honest, the absence of a cell phone felt so free. I didn't have to respond to those crappy calls from strangers, No more text messages from my classmates asking for notes or assignments, and no more Summer. I knew it was temporary because one day soon I'd need to turn it on again to call Dad and to check any important notices from my college.

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