12. The 'Lagna/Vivaah/Shaadi/Wedding' Night

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Iaesha's POV:

"Summer No!" 

"Iaesha, Come..." he tried to grab my arm as they he showed his perfectly pearly white teeth.

"Summer, I can't do this..." I took a step back in fear. It was dangerous. Summer was forcing me to surf with him.

We both woke up around 10 in the morning and Summer wants us to surf. He was already wearing the surfing suit.

I had never surfed into my whole life and I didn't even think I would in future. I looked at the waves and they were abnormally high and scary.

I sighed. Maybe I could give it a try.

I slipped my legs into the spandex, pulled it up to my body. I slipped my arms into it. Input my hair into the a bun before zipping the zipper.

"You done?" Summer came in.

"Almost," I said as I tried to reach the zipper but failed miserably. He saw that and came behind me.

"Let me," I gave up and let him do the needful.

I felt his fingers brushed against my back skin and I inhaled deeply. I was still not used to his touch. My toes curled as I bit my lower lip.

I felt him planting a small kiss on the back and zipping slowly. After that he turned me around and held me by shoulders.

"What are you afraid of?" He asked and I looked down.

"Water?" He added and I shook my face.

"Then?" He made me look up.

"Dying," I replied.

"Dying is inevitable, you can't avoid it forever," he tucked my hair strands behind my ear.

"You are not dying today. I'll make sure. You believe me?" He asked and I stared into his eyes replying yes I'm my mind.

"Yes?" He repeated.

"Yes!" I nodded and gave a small smile.

His hands reached my hair bun and he untied my hair. He threw the rubber band on the floor and left my hair free.

"Better," he commented.

"Let's go," he grabbed my hand and we got out.

Suddenly I was not afraid. An enthusiastic toothy smile appeared on my face as we went close to the beach.

We grabbed out surfing boards.


He sat down and leashed me with the board and he did the same with his.

I didn't even realise where time flew but the next 3 hours we spent in ocean was the best hours of my whole life.

First he taught me how to balance on the board and all. Most of the time I failed and fell deep into water. It was funny and I almost drank a lot of ocean water. I quickly learnt the basics and did try my best and it was an indescribable experience. I couldn't believe Summer surfed like a pro.

He told me how he had won lots of surfing tournaments and he was champion back when he was in his early 20s. But then he stopped after his mother hospitalised and everything.

Fight now we were just on surfboard floating around in the ocean, talking about random things.

I splashed some water on him and he laughed. He did the same to me.

"Have I told you enough how beautiful you are?" He said out of nowhere.

"Have I told you how handsome you are?" I replied.

Indian Summer 2022 | My sister's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now