25. Bad I

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Iesha's POV:

I screamed lightly as I got little bit wet from the rain. 

"I'll check the backyard windows, you stay here," Dave, our security guard, spoke.

"Thank you," I replied and he walked to back side.

It was quite a stormy day and Summer was not home. He went last night to New York to meet his father and hadn't returned yet. He was supposed to be back by now but he wasn't and I was quite worried about him because of the storm.

I jumped as the sliver light stricken with a loud thunder. The weather was quite scary, specially when you have a beach house. The ocean was so loud that I got chills.

I closed the windows of kitchen as I glanced at the ocean with monstrous waves.

I grabbed myself bottle of orange juice. I decided to take a sip direct from the bottle. I almost opened the cap when the entrance door burst opened, followed by a loud voice of something breaking.  I instantly put the bottle down and walked faster towards the entrance as I called Dave but he didn't answer.

To my surprise, It was Summer.

"Summer?" I called but he didn't answer. I saw him leaning on the wall. Dave came along.

"Are you drunk?" I asked as I went near him.

"I'll give him shoulder madam, you lead the way." 

"No, its fine. I've got him." I held him by his waist and made him rest him arm around my shoulder. He was little wet, perhaps due to getting out of the car without the umbrella.


"You're so breath taking," he smiled cutely. I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you drink so much?"

"It's not good for your heath,"

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I looked up but he was already half conscious.

I took him upstairs and laid him on the bed. I removed his socks, then his shirt and his jeans. I blushed as I saw him half naked. I went to the closet and got out a white Tee and black joggers. I didn't  know how to put them on though. He looked like he was in deep sleep. 

But it was quite cold today. 

So I decided to call Dave and asked him for help. After he slipped on the cloths, We put a blanket on him.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"No problem... I'll get his things from the car."

"Sure," I turned my attention Summer. I sat beside him and caressed his head and then planted a small kiss on his face. I got up and turned off the lights and exited his room but not before taking a last look at him.

Without wasting my time, I decided to head to the kitchen to prepare for the Lunch. As I climbed the stairs, I noticed my laptop was ringing. I walked and saw that Granny was calling me. I answered the video call right away.

"Hey," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"There's my baby, how are you?" she smiled back.

"I'm very well, the weather here is so rough though..." 

"What about you? How are you?" I asked.

"I just wanted to show you this picture..." she was looking down at something. "... So I was going though your parent's photo album and found something..."

"Awwww," I clapped.

"I was not going to show it to you until you come here but I couldn't help with this one. I thought you should see..." she then pointed out the picture.

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