9.Baby Frog

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Iesha's POV:

A week had passed away and there were no texts or calls from him. He meant what he said. I did see him from the corner of my window as he came to pick up Peach. He doesn't even come near our apartment.

Today, as usual, I almost crushed a long worm under my foot and I screamed like anything.

God I hate this bathroom and I hate those warms.

I tried everything but they won't g away. I kept reminding Peach to call someone who can treat the situation but she was too embarrassed to let anyone know that we have worms in our house.

She always bathed after I cleaned the bathroom. She knew I'd not bath until I have cleaned it so she always took advantage of it as soon as I clean it she would take a bath and when it was my chance, all those worms come back.

Lots of things happened past week. I got an internship at Alapha Lab. The first week was fun but now it was boring. They don't really let me do anything because I had no professional experience with chemicals so they couldn't take a chance. So I just go there, observe them, and come back home.

Other than that, a hiking trip is coming up next week. I was looking forward to it until Olivia also bailed me. She and Jackson were enjoying themselves in Spain.

I wonder, how was Jackson's business? because he was always with her. His shop, these days remains mostly closed. But I decided to go. My dad had paid for the trip so I didn't want to waste his money.

These days I feel like a fish who had been removed from the water and now I couldn't breathe because I miss Summer more than ever. I wanted to be with him.

Without thinking much, I got myself out of the bed. My period ended today so I decided to take a long bath, thinking I might feel good. I put on some good music and got into the shower. I started by cleaning my body first. I scrubbed my body with my favorite Dove body wash. I loved the smell of it but then suddenly I remembered Summer's bodywash. I smiled.

I then started washing my hair. I always wash my body before and after hair washing. It almost takes me two and a half hours to properly bathe.

As I was washing my hair, Thinking about Summer, suddenly something weird happened. The water was coming out. I bent and looked closer. The water was coming out rather a thing going in. I brushed it off thinking, it might e normal in a moment. I was about to wash my hair but something was wrong. I turned off the shower and...

I screamed.

As the water flowed outside, many worms came out of the cavity. I froze. My eyes were filled with tears. They were everywhere. I couldn't move. I was frightened to move. My phobia was consuming my mind. I saw them, moving slowly towards me. Some of them were already near the door. I gained the courage to grab the towel and wrapped it around my body.

"Help," a whimper left my mouth.

I just stepped on the stool which was in the corner and sat there. I pulled my legs closer and rested my chin on my knee.

I just cried there as they all crawled here and there.


I don't wanna live here. I wanna go away, somewhere far. I thought.

"I hate this bathroom so much!" I cried. My phone was outside the bathroom. I didn't have it in me. I didn't have it in me to stand up and get out of this bathroom.

I didn't have anyone to call. Olivia was in Spain. I couldn't call Peach. I could call Sam but he would make fun of me and taunt me a lot. I started thinking of people I could call right now but no one was nice enough to understand my situation or try to help me.

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