17. Virtue of Summer

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Iesha's POV:

Why is it too bright?

Close the curtains... please...


My mind was awake now.

I turned a bit but wait... I couldn't. I was stuck. Something was wrapped around me. Like a body ...

The loud voices of seagulls squawking and the ocean waves crashing, reached my ear

It was quite windy too.

I decided to open my eyes and as I did, my eyes met with the light blue sky and some white cotton'ish curtains floating in the sky.

An arm was wrapped around me, just below my breasts. I turned my head to my behind to see Summer was sleeping against me. And my head was under his arm.

It must have hurt him.

That was my first thought.

Then I analysed the whole scene. It was surreal. We were sleeping on canopy bed outside summer's mansion. On the beach.

Sun had just risen and I could tell it might be 6.00 A.m.ish.

I mean?


But suddenly I moved and my body hurt. I looked down and saw my bandages and everything. Then everything from yesterday came back.

Summer helped me.

I slowly delicately turned towards him. Now the distances between his face and my face was about two or three inches.

I giggled silently because he looked adorable and peaceful when he slept. There weren't any storms he was carrying.

I leaned in and pecked his lips. I tucked all his hair strands away from his forehead and caressed his cheek.

I stayed like that for a moment and as I got fully awake I decided not to wake him up and get freshen up.

I slowly removed his tight grip away from me and carefully without making noise, I got out.

As I took my first step, I almost screamed in pain. It hurt like hell.


Every time I'd take a step and i would silently hiss in pain. I made it inside and then climbed the stairs, went to his bedroom and quickly got freshened up. It took me almost an hour to completely freshen up.

I wanted to wear something very light and open and I didn't wanna wear his shirts. I checked in the guest room where I had stayed before and where he had installed a whole new girly closet for me.

I went through it but everything was too fancy for me. I couldn't find something simple and airy.

But then I saw something in the lower small cupboard. There were lovely floral bed sheets. I took a white one with red small flowers and I wrapped it around me in such a way that it hid my body well and I looked pretty. At the end I completed the look by doing halter neck.

Looking proud I smiled at my reflection. I freed my wet hair from the towel and slightly below dried them.

After I was done with that, I took my bloody and dirty clothes and threw them into the trash bin that was placed in my room.

I made my way downstairs slowly and went outside to wake him up but to my surprise he was already awoke and was setting up the breakfast table on the beach.

I smiled from afar and admired him. Somehow I guess he got aware of me and our eyes met and there went,

... ocean waves crashing, birds chirping, fireworks in the daylight, butterflies, soft moonlight, wildfires, wolves howling, two sparrows kissing, some couple singing, grilled marshmallows, Sparks flying, blood rushing, chakra activating and breath awarding life, DNA improving, heart reshaping, rebirthing, flamingos flying, breath breaking, mountains moving, ground breaking but an environment filled with various lights including black...

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