Extra: Summer's Diary II (Summer's last entry)

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Mature Theme:

Entry: 606

If I had to be born again then I'd ask God to re-think his decision. There's nothing in here that excites me or makes me feel alive other than my mother. I had been separated from my mother so badly that it feels like there's no oxygen here. I am tired of this unfairness. People die everyday. Why people have to suffer. Why innocent people die and bad people live? Is this life? I'm not complaining it but the whole time I'm here, I feel like I'm just earth rotating around the sun, getting closer to sun each day. But I never meet the sun. I'm waiting for that moment and its not coming at all.

I do not belong here. I belong with my mother. My mother, the god of my life. She was taken away from me and it was like my soul had left the body with Herm she took it. Because I don't know who am I anymore? This is not the summer I know.

The light I had in me was no longer alive.

This is how far I can go now. Before her, the I had already extended my life for her. Now she's in good hands. My purpose is filled. I must go now. I'm ready to come, take me in.

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