15. Brutal Truths You Won't Believe

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Iesha's POV:

"I missed you," he said in between the kiss.

He missed me?

I pushed him away as strongly as I could. I backed away and I climbed out of the car.

"You missed me?" I scoffed. He tried to come closer and hold me.

"That's why you kissed her, huh?"

"Did you break up with Peach?" I pushed him lightly.

"I...um..." he looked away and I could see frustration building up.

"Summer, look at me! Look at me!" I went closer to him. He still didn't face me. His nostrils flared.

He took a deep breath.

"Summer?" I tip-toed and now my face was much closer to him. I snapped my fingers at him.

Suddenly he grabbed both arms.

"Don't provoke me," he whispered.

"I. Asked. Did. You. Break. Up. With. Peach. Or. Not?" I tried to contained my anger as I didn't show any weakness. I was not scared of him anymore.

"I couldn't! Okay! I couldn't! You sister..." he blew up. His frustration was coming out.

"My sister what?" I urged him to complete. I knew he was going to say something very ugly.

"... she's... she's cunning! You don't know!"

"She cheated on me!"

"Why do you care? It's not like you liked her? Did you?" I folded my arms in a defensive manner.

It took him less than a second to answer that question.

"I DON'T! OKAY! I DON'T!" he shouted.

"Stop shouting!" I shouted back.

He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the car. He opened the door and pushed me inside. As I went in he closed the door behind me. He also got himself seated and started the engine to drive away.

I didn't know where he was taking me but I had too much ego to ask him where he was taking me.

It was a quick drive around the neighborhood and we reached a garden. An empty garden.

He got out and walked away. I got out and walked towards him.

"Why are we here Summer?" I tried to stay calm.

He didn't reply. He just sat down.

It was chilly outside and I could see stars in the dark. I didn't know what but something about the atmosphere and the night time was getting to me.

I was calming down and I sat down on the lawn with him.

"Let's talk Summer," I said.

We were doing everything so fast and we were doing this very fast that we forgot to talk. Maybe we were lost in time. A time where we thought everything was perfect and nothing was wrong. Now reality had hit us and our own demons were acting out.

"I lied," he broke the silence. My attention went to him as I drew my brows together.

"About what?" I replied.

"Promise me you'll try to understand first before freaking out," he said looking at me.

"Summer I don't wanna hear any more words that's not the truth. Tell me the truth," I replied holding his eye contact.

He broke the eye contact and looked away but I didn't.

"Tell me," I encouraged.

"I lied about that..." he looked scared. "... about we did it." He started.

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