27. Bad II

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Iesha's POV:

Graduation day was here. I glanced at my reflection. I had chopped down my hair. The hair stylist said, I look older than my age so a bob cut might give me a little fresh  and young look. So I cut it.

I feel good though. I was ready. I was at the college with Olivia. Summer would be attending too and, we decided to get married tonight.

"How are holding up?" Olivia hugged me from behind.

"I'm excited to be honest,"

"I couldn't believe you're marrying before me," she poured.

"Even I thought you'd get married first," I turned and faced her.

"It's okay, I'm excited though!" She screamed lightly.

"I'm gonna catch the bouquet,"

"Sure, after me, it's definitely your turn!"

"Yes, then we'll go on double dates!"

I nodded but only if these people knew the condition of Summer.

Nothing could go wrong today.

I thought to myself.

After 3 hours:

Summer was no where to be seen.

"Alexandra Green,"

I clapped along with others as I glanced here and there. I re-dialled Summer's call but he wasn't picking up. I called the security but he informed Summer was not home.

"Where's he?" I mumbled.

A creepy uncanny feeling had started to inject in me.

It's fine, he's gonna be here.

"Cassandra Boyle,"

He's gonna be here. Everything is fine.

"Erica Johansson,"

I clapped.
He's fine.

"Ricky Grimes,"

I clapped as I looked around.

"Olivia Benson,"

I stood up and clapped for her. I woohooed and smiled and took pictures of her.

"That's my girl!" I screamed. She waved at me from the stage and then to her parents.

I flashed then a smile too and so did they.

Only five students were left, then it would be my turn to go there.

I made my way near the stage but my eyes were wandering here and there.

"He said he'll be here." I mumbled.

"Paul peters,"

Something's wrong. I thought to myself. This was unlike of Summer. He always kept his words.

"Bryce Lincoln,"

"I can't do this," I panicked.

I panicked very hard. I get off the line and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Olivia yelled from afar.

"I have to go!" I said and I threw my cap and robe away while running towards the parking.


I just ran. I knew something was wrong.

I started the engine and went home. I was biting my nails in fear.

When I arrived, I saw all the decorations were almost completed. It was looking lovely.  I asked workers if he had seen him but they all shook their heads.

Indian Summer 2022 | My sister's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now