23. Knowing my story

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Iesha's POV:

I received my convocation invitation this morning. I was sitting on the kitchen platform as Summer made us breakfast.

"I don't know if I wanna go," I shrugged.

"I feel like you should," he replied casually as he broke some eggs in a bowl.

"Will you come?"

"Sure, why not!" He smiled and I smiled back.

"Can you pass me those tomatoes?" He pointed at a small container besides me that had tomatoes.

"How many do you need?"

"Three is fine,"

I got three fresh tomatoes and handed them them.

"Thanks bub," he gave me a small kiss on my lips.

"You know I feel very good," I said as I got another tomato out from that container and stared at it. It was so red and looked juicy. I decided to eat it raw.

"About what?" He glanced at me.

"Everything," I shrugged as I ate.

I saw him getting our plates ready.

"I'm gonna set the table outside," he said.

"This, India thing..." I stepped down from the platform and started following him like a puppy.

"Oh really?" He turned for a moment and then continued making his way out.


"Grab pepper bottle from inside please," I ran inside and grabbed salt and pepper.

It was quite sunny today. It was around 9 in the morning.

The water was calm at the beach, making it peaceful. I saw my man setting up the breakfast table.

What's more peaceful than this?

"I mean... You're with me. I don't need to worry about anything..." I hugged him from behind.

I felt him smiling.

"Are we ready for the Discovery session then?" He asked and I nodded.

He grabbed my arm and made me sit on the table. He sat in front of me and with an envelope.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He confirmed and I nodded.

I tied my lose hair into a messy bun and started eating.

"Okay, so... I'm gonna start with the parents information first..." He started as he sipped from his orange juice as he read from the document.

"Okay," I clapped my hand lightly, trying to stay open and excited.

"So your Father's name is Arjun Singh Tomar. His family is the Tomar family and what!!!" He choked down on his juice.

"What happened?" I sat up straight.

He showed me his index finger, indicating to wait a moment.

He brought the document close to eyes o read it carefully.

"Man, this is unreal." He looked up at the sky and then at me.

"WHAT!!" I was nervous now.

"You're a royalty," he said and then showed me a picture from the document.

"This is The Tomar Family. They are one of the royal families in India. So like your father was a king?? Or prince?..."

My mouth hung open as I tried my best to take the news in.

Indian Summer 2022 | My sister's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now