24. Countdown begins - Good I

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Iesha's POV:

December, 24th.

I glanced at my calendar. It was my father and mother's death anniversary. They are organising a huge ritual ceremony and they really want me to come. Everyone would be there, so I would meet everyone.

Today was May, 24th. Exact 7 months were left till I and Summer visit India. it felt like an eternity to wait for December.

I couldn't help but glance at celender every now and then. These days, you would find me smiling randomly. that was because I was very happy. I was going home. Our visa had arrived and flights were booked.

I was beyond happy. 

Few days had passed by and every day was getting better and better. First in the early morning, I did video call to my granny whom I call 'Dadi'. I had now been introduced to lot of people such as My uncles, aunties and their children. And they all are excited for me. 

"DJ, I'm bringing you those wireless headphones." 

"I told you no! I don't like those ewwwww," he scrunched his face disgutingly.

DJ stood for, Digvijay.

His full name was Digvijay Singh Tomar.

DJ was Pratap Uncle's elder son. We were getting along very nicely. He was already acting like a possessive brother. He was studying law.

"Where's Summer?"

I pressed my lips as I didn't know the accurate answer too.

"He went somewhere," I shrugged.


"Nothing, Don't bring him here. Only you come..." He leaned forward.

"I have found an amazing guy for you already!"

"DJ!" I glared at him.

"Will you come and pick us up at the airport?" I asked.

"Of course, also my mum and dad will come. We are pretty excited,"

"Me too," I smiled.

"Beburaj," he called.



"Stop!" I blushed.

They gave me a pet name. 'Beburaj' and they all call me by that name. Everytime they called me that, I would just blush like anything.

After some time, we said good byes because he had to study and Summer also came back so we hung up.

"Hey," I went up to him.

"Hey," he replied. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked sweetly.

"Whatever you want," he answered cheekily.

"I have something in mind..."


"Let's make love?" I declared.

He started coughing and literally took some steps away from me as I started laughing.

It had been a long time since we got physical. There were not many intimate moments. We rarely kissed, so other things were off the table.

"You wait and I'll get ready then we'll go to Denny's," he planted a kiss on my forehead and went upstairs.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

I was just happy that he kept his promises. Whatever plans we made for dinner or lunch or something picnic etc.he would always show up. Sometimes he would get late but he tried his best to be with me and spared some time with me.

Things were working out great for me.

Every day, I would get to know more about my family and every day they became Irresistible and closer. I carried them everywhere. I would ask them every single detail.

Every day I could count. You remember you were that excited and happy for something?


I got an email from my university. I opened my screen and checked the email.

I screamed in happiness. My convocation dates were here. I was getting that degree.

"SUMMER?" I called his loudly.

"Yea?" His faint reply came from upstairs.




After a moment, He came downstairs in his polo shirt and jeans. His hair was wet.

Wow. Yummy.

"Let's throw a party!" He announced.

"What party?" I frowned.

"Just call your school friends... No, call the whole school..."

"No... Wait... No,"

"Why not? I wanna throw them a party for my girlfriend!"


"No, I don't want that. I don't know them. We don't need to waste money on them,"

"Don't you worry about it babe," he caressed my chin and was about to leave to prepare for the party.

"No," I stopped him by grabbed his hand.

I went closer to him and slowly hugged him.

He hugged me back.

"I don't want that. I just want to be with you." I said very softly.

He was quite for a time but then gave in. We both pulled apart. He grabbed my chin and asked, "Do you not get tired of me?"

I stared into his eyes and replied intensely, "Never,"

"If I die, I want to die in your arms..." He said.

I pushed him away.

"Stop talking, I hate sentences like that!" I looked away.

To be honest, at this point of my life, i couldn't afford to lose anyone. I didn't really have any people.

"Okay! Okay! My fault. Sorry! Let's go running! Is that fine? Then we can grab some burritos and chill! " He hugged me from behind. I nodded slightly.

I never really ran but sure. I could do that with Summer.

The whole day we spent together and it was perfect.

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