6. I slept with my sister's bf

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I hope to feel the happiest. I didn't know I'd ever be this happy. I felt the silky sheets wrapped around my body, and someone's hand was tightly wrapped around my torso as my back was touching something hard but warm thing which felt like someone's chest. His face snuggled into my neck and I felt the warmth that I seek every day.

I smiled with my eyes still closed. I snuggled more into his chest and again I fell asleep.

After 2 hours:









I sat up straight as I panicked. I was naked, on a stranger's bed, in a stranger's house. I clutched the sheets tightly around my chest to cover my body as I looked here and there, not knowing what to do next. 

I slowly got out of bed with the sheet wrapped around my body. My eyes fell on the torn dress which was mine, laying on the floor with my undergarments. 

I suddenly looked back at the bed and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. There were red stains and I freaked out immediately. I gulped hard. I saw a shirt laying there and I took it and slipped into it.

I need to get out of this house now. I thought.

I wrapped the sheets around my waist like some kind of skirt and I got out of the room. The house was quite big but it was mostly white and a glass house. It looked like a mansion. The paintings of some messy strokes were hung and they looked expensive. The sculptures of some females and males were placed here and there. I came across the spiral staircase which was going down to the ground floor and also led up to the upper floor. A huge diamond chandelier was hanging in the middle.

I put my hand on the railing. I started claiming down. It was very quiet that I could hear my heart which was racing.

As I claimed the stairs, I came facing three ways. On the front side, it was the front door, I could just leave and no one had to know. On my right side, it led to the living room. and On my left, I suppose it was a dining area with was connected to the kitchen.

I think I should leave. 

Making the decision, I made it to the front door and I was about to turn the knob but suddenly a door slammed, making me jump on my feet. I closed my eyes in fear but I heard no footsteps instead, I started hearing water. 

"Ocean waves?" I asked myself. I heard the wind blowing wildly, seagulls calling, and waves crashing. Again the door slammed stopping the voice and again it was slammed open. 

Where the hell am I? 

I was now curious to know where was I. I got on my tip-toed and made it to the living room. It was dreamy. White leader couch, huge TV, Floor vase of white lilies on the glass teapoy. But my eyes were distracted in a fraction of a second by a glass wall that was separating the living room from the outside beach area. The door was opened by the wind.

I took a deep breath, wondering where was I. 

"Bro, you fucked a billionaire!" I muttered to myself after exhaling.

Without wasting time, I stepped outside. After passing the green lawn, my feet were now deeper into the silky sand. The blue beach blessed my eyes and the sun felt too good. The beach air was refreshing and I looked here and there to find someone.

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