19. Her

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Peach's POV:

Iesha's eyes started to slowly close heavily. I drew my brows together thinking what was wrong but my head was also pounding, not sure due to the fact that my sister was hooking up with my boyfriend or I had too much alcohol.

She suddenly collapsed and a small scream left my mouth thinking she was gonna fall bad but that didn't happen. Summer caught her. Her held against him tightly as he called her name several times to wake her up but she didn't.

I was still on the floor, thinking how I ended up like this. I couldn't stop crying. Seeing him having so many feelings for her and not for me, felt like someone had just stabbed me into my heart.

He picked her up like a bridal style and rested her on the sofa. Now he turned to me. His eyes were filled with anger and frustration.

"I didn't know you'd stoop this low," he shook his head in disbelief.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," he came near the dining table where I was sitting and kicked the chair.

"Summer," I mumbled. I tried to grab his hand.

"Summer, how could you do this to me?" I cried.

He jerked his hand away.

"You did this to yourself, okay!" He came close to my face.


"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I raised my voice too.


It was true that when I saw summer, I was attracted to his wealth and him too. I really liked that he was rich, handsome and smart. He was the whole package.

"When we started dating I got to know you more and I liked you very much at the time and you can't deny that because we actually had so much fun! .... We actually had so much fun!"

"But then I saw you with Carla and did you know what that did to me? My confidence and self esteem went to sink!"

"What are you talking about? I never cheated on you!" He responded.

"I clearly saw you kissing her. Summer don't lie!"

"Oh my god Peach! You could have just ask me! I was drunk and she practically threw herself on me. I don't even remember her name or face for god's sake! And after that I pushed her away,"

I could see frustration coming out of him as he was started melting.

"So that was nothing?" I cried.

He sat with me and grabbed my hand.

"You were wrong, Peach!" Summer said sadly.

I messed it up. I messed up so bad.

"I thought you didn't like me and you were using me..." I sobbed. "They said you are only with me because I was a good fuck!"

"Peach!" He cupped my face. I felt warmth coming from him and I really needed it.

I hugged him.

"I'm sorry," I cried.

He started rubbing my back.

"Summer..." I pulled away and cupped his face.

"It was all a mistake, please let's move past this. I'm ready to let go everything. Let's move on... I know you still like me and I do too..."

He was taken back by that but I knew we could make this work, we had too. Because I was pregnant.

"Peach -" before he could say anything. 

"I'm pregnant!" I declared. He went blank for a moment and I was panicking. My heart was racing.

"Summer, say something!" I grabbed him by the collar.

"What are you talking about?" he asked as if he couldn't believe it but then a small smile started forming on his face which cause me to smile.

"You're gonna be a father!" I smiled.

"Me?" he asked as if he couldn't believe it an I nodded several times happily. 

I couldn't hold longer as I claimed his lip and kissed him. 

I wanted him back. 

I knew I was forcing this kiss but after a moment, to my surprise he kissed me back.

I was happy but our moment was interrupted by a door being slammed shut.

We both turned to the direction of voice and saw that Iesha had left.

"What the hell," Summer immediately pushed me and stood up.

"Summer, Please don't leave me!" I cried.

"This was a mistake!" He said and my heart broke.

And he just left. He left behind her.


I put my hand on my belly.

"Your dad left us..." I looked down on my belly as I rubbed it while tears kept leaking from my eyes.

Indian Summer 2022 | My sister's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now