I am Yu

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(Yu pov)

As i emerged from the portal i was surprised to see i was in a forest, not that i expected to just pop up in the middle of a city but that would definitely been more useful. But as they say those are the breaks so i decided to get a lay of the land, so i flew up about a mile just so i could see as much as possible.

What was strange is that there was not a city in sight i did see a village off in the distance but nothing else it seemed strange to me all this land and not much civilization.

"Hmmm well i'm not going to get any answers floating around here" I said as i started to fly towards the village. I was captivated by the natural beauty of this forest almost completely untouched by man.

'Aaah this air is so fresh and clean' i thought as there was no sign of pollution, as i neared the village i noticed someone in the forest just outside so i decided to go down and ask some questions.

I landed quietly and approached the local and saw a young man practicing with a sword and shield.

'Oh i hope this world isn't in a medieval era right now but judging from his clothes i don't think so'

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'Oh i hope this world isn't in a medieval era right now but judging from his clothes i don't think so'.

"Hey there" i said just to get his attention before getting too close just so i wouldn't startle a guy with a sword when i was right next to him.

??? : Whoa

(He turned to me)

??? : You nearly gave me a heart attack

"Sorry about that i was just hoping to ask you a few questions" i said while attempting to look as none threatening as possible.

??? : Oh it's okay but who are you ? I don't recognize you from the village.

"Oh that's because i'm not from around here, I recently arrived and got a little lost i'm just looking for the closest city" i said just hoping he would buy it and tell me.

??? : Huh well how did you get out here ? oh i'm Jaune by the way, Jaune Arc it's short sweet and rolls off the tongue, Ladies love it.

"It's nice to meet you Jaune i am Yu" i answered after all it's the polite thing to do.

Jaune : You are me ? what does that mean ? You can't be me, i'm me.

"No i'm Yu" 'Wow this one's a real genius' i thought as i repeated my name

Jaune : But how can you be me if i'm here ????

" Okay lets try this again my name is Yu Y  U Yu" i explained and hoped it would finally sink in that Yu was my name.

Jaune : OOOOOOH now that makes sense, bit of a strange name i never heard a name like it before.

From then on he proceeded to explain that i was in a place called Anima and if i wanted to find a city i could just take something called a bullhead from the village when it came for the usual pick up.

"Thanks very much, so what are you training for ?" I said pointing to his sword and shield.

Jaune : Oh i'm practicing so i can get into beacon in six months when the new term starts

"Oh that's excellent so i assume this Beacon is some kind of school for warriors then ??"

Jaune : Well yeah, have you seriously never heard of Beacon before ?

" Like i said i'm not from around here so no" I answered evasively

Jaune : 'This guy's weird he should know of Beacon it's one of the best huntsman academies out there, i mean the place is famous'  

"So what kind of thing's do you learn at Beacon then ?"

Jaune : Well as it's a school for huntsmen and huntresses we're going to learn more on how to kill the Grimm obviously.

I was confused as to what these Grimm thing's were, Not even hearing the low growl behind me when Jaune suddenly shouted.

Jaune : HEY LOOK OUT !!

He rushed toward's me and thrust his sword past me and i turned to see this strange black wolf type creature with what looked like a white bone mask with Jaune's sword through it's head it was the size of very large dog.

Jaune : Whew that was close, you should always keep your eye's open in the wilderness these things are everywhere

I should have had my guard up and not been distracted by what he said, But my thought's were once again disrupted when i saw the creature start to disintegrate into black smoke.

"What the hell is going on with that thing ?" I asked very surprised by the sight.

Jaune : Okay just who are you ? there is no way you don't know what all children are taught from the moment they can talk.

"Well i guess there's no point in hiding it so i might as well tell you that i'm not from this dimension or this world" I explained while hoping that he was going to understand.

Jaune : That actually makes a lot of sense given that you don't even know what the Grimm are. But where did you come from ? 

I then explained all about my world and myself to him.

Jaune : So there are heroes all over your world saving people ?

" Yes or there 'were' heroes everywhere " I said sadly remembering where i had just come from, I felt a tear escape from the corner of my right eye that froze on my cheek.

Jaune : Are you okay ? , You look very upset.

I looked at him and he wore a concerned look on his face so i forced myself to smile to put him at ease.

"Yes i'm fine just remembering something unpleasant but enough about that, i would like to ask you some more questions and i must ask you to answer these first two with yes okay ?"

Juane : Okay sure if you like.

"Great so here we go " i said thinking 'I hope this works'

"Do you have blonde hair ?"

Jaune : Yes

"And are you nine feet tall ?"

Jaune : Yes ?

"Okay now tell me why do you want to go to beacon ?" i asked

Jaune : Well i want to be a hero you see my grandfather and great grandfather were heroes and i want to save people just like they did, And i want to stop the Grimm so no more villages are destroyed and no more lives are cut short.

I smiled sensing every word he was saying was true and i was happy that my more mental abilities worked here just as they did in my world.

"Fantastic now why did you save me like you did when that creature attacked me" I inquired hopefully but sure i already knew the answer.

Jaune : I don't know i just did.

"In my world there were many great heroes, and there were stories about how they got started and what made them great." i told him sure that i found someone worthy.

"Most have one thing in common, Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think. And that just happened to you".

Jaune wore a happy smile on his face, As did i knowing i had found someone worthy so soon after coming here.

"I have an offer for you and i think it will make your journey much easier that is if you can handle it" I said.

Jaune : Huh ???? 

I just smiled knowing that if fortune smiled on him he could become this worlds greatest hero.  

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