Fame and Misfortune.

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(A few days later)

(Yu pov)

We were just arriving in the city of Argus after a train ride with some rather stupid 'Professional' Huntsmen. The guy's were named Dee and Dudley and they were as dumb as you might expect as they were walking around asking for donations promising to give people more protection but with all of us on the train it wasn't needed. 

That would have been the end of it until they decided to try and pick up Yang and Blake for some 'fun' and let's just say that it's a good job that Argus is so cold as they're going to need alot of ice for reasons.

Yu: Well guy's here we are.

I said as we all disembarked the train, no sooner had we all got outside the station i noticed that everyone was staring at us or more specifically Teams JNPR and RWBY.

Random citizen : Hey is that ??

Citizen 2 : Yeah it is !!!

Citizen 3 : IT'S TEAM JNPR !!!!

More and more people seemed to notice and it wasn't long before things got a little hectic you could say.

More and more people seemed to notice and it wasn't long before things got a little hectic you could say

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Citizen : Please give me an autograph !!!

Citizen : Please hold my baby for a picture.

Girl 1 : Oh my god it's Jaune, He's so strong  !!

Girl 2 : He can smash me anytime !!!

Girl 3 : And there Ren he's soooo dreamy !!

Boy 1 : It's Pyrrha Nikos, Please go on a date with me !!!

Oldman : Miss Valkyrie, Would you please marry my grandson ??

Girl 4 : Please can you sign these for me ??.

A girl pulled down her top to expose her cleavage for Jaune to sign, And i couldn't help but just fall about dying with laughter for which i recieved a harsh glare from Team JNPR.

 Team RWBY wasn't exempt from the praise either with many young men coming over to declare their love for the girls at which time i saw Qrow reaching for his weapon but i stopped him.

I laughed to myself as i remembered seeing the craziness when Uncle Might showed up on video's of his appearances, But this is all part of being a Hero.

I called everyone to line up for autographs and Created some tables and chairs for The teams to sit behind and sign picture's for everyone, 


The rabid worshippers were finally satisfied and began to disperse during all the maddness i was just standing back with Qrow and Oscar who was more comfortable with me after he had earned my trust.

Oscar : That was er........Well it was something.

Yu : Yeah it happened a lot back in my home in the early days, People were obsessed with Heroes and scenes like this were not uncommon.

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