Dark dealings

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(Yu pov)

I awoke the next morning and immediately knew that i was not alone, I looked down to my left side and saw Yang sleeping peacefully i didn't remember going to bed with her so i checked under the covers and saw that we were indeed both wearing our sleepwear. I realized that she must have sneaked in to snuggle with me after i had retired, It was fine by me but for Yang it seemed to be becoming a habit.

I looked down and couldn't help but chuckle quietly at her as she slept for such a fierce warrior she certainly had a cute and girly side.

Yu : Wake up my love

Stirred slightly giving off a few adorable snort's and moans of resistance but she did wake up a few moments later.

Yu : Good morning darling

She sat up and stretched while yawning and when she opened her eye's she saw i was staring at her.

Yang : Morning Yu, What time is it ?

I checked the clock and saw it was 8:37.

Yu : It's time to get up, And may i ask why you are in my bed ?

Yang : I just wanted to cuddle with you

She spoke with a pout that i found very cute so i just smiled and put my hand on her head and stroked her hair.

Yu : I'm fine with that but you don't need to sneak around, But we really should be getting ready, After all you have a big day today.

Yang's eye's went wide and she remembered that it was the semi finals of the tournament, she then immediately scrambled out of bed and kissed me quickly on the lips before running off to get ready for the day, She did love to fight so i imagined that she was very excited to get back into the stadium to compete in the next round.


After we had all showered and changed into our usual outfits we had breakfast and proceeded to leave the dorms when i noticed a letter addressed to me sitting outside on the steps.

Yu : What's this ??

I told everyone to go on ahead without me while i read the letter

Hello Yu, You might know who this is from but i wish to meet with you today to present an offer to you, I have left the coordinates to the meeting location below be there at 10 am. This concerns the safety of Beacon as well as the population of Vale and those who you hold dear.

x 1,669,792

If you do accept my invitation please come alone as i do not wish to see anyone but you, If i suspect anyone is with you then this meeting will be cancelled and you will lose this opportunity.

I was immediately suspicious as to who this person was but when i thought about it clearly it could only be from that Cinder girl who had escaped when Emerald and Mercury were arrested. I decided to not mention this to anyone and go to class.


After class i told everyone that i would see them later for the encore to yesterdays performance and flew off towards the forest to speak to this Cinder and ask what she meant in her letter as it was quite vague.

I landed in the forest shortly after 10 and searched the surrounding area with Thermal sense but i could find nothing until i heard a twig snap and looked over to see a Grimm looking directly at me. It was a Beowolf but unlike the others i had encountered it just stood there completely still, Not attacking or even snarling at me.

I was very confused as i had heard that these things hate anything that isn't one of them as did all of the creatures of Grimm, I was shaken out of my thoughts when the beast turned around and started to walk away, It stopped and looked over it's shoulder then continued as if it wanted me to follow it, I know it was probably pretty stupid but i decided to go along with it hoping to find some answers.

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