The Assault

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(Yu pov)

Blake and I were returning to the home of her family when i noticed that there was a few people standing at the entrance and as we approached i saw that they were wearing some sort of robes. I wondered and hoped if the White Fang had finally taken the bait so that my plan could finally go ahead.

Blake : Father what's going on ?

Blake asked as we joined the group  in standing at the door of the residence.

Ghira : Blake this is.

??? : Please let us introduce ourselves.

The two took a bow towards Blake and introduced themselves as Corsac and Fennec Albain they did quickly flick their eye's in my direction and for a moment i did see a flash of hate.

Yu : And what brings you here today ?

Fennec : We came to talk to your father on the orders of High leader Khan.

I noticed that they were completely ignoring me which normally wouldn't bother me but.

Blake : I never asked, In fact my companion asked you and you completely ignored him, Is this how you behave to people who you have never met before ??

Corsac : We just don't believe that a Human has any right to be involved in this disscussion.

I activated Rabbit and grew some bunny ears on my head and spoke again as they looked on in disbelief.

Yu : Well if it makes you more comfortable then how about now ??

Ghira : Enough of this, Now Fennec and Corsac my daughter has recently returned home and i would like some time to get reaquainted with her.

Fennec : We understand your Grace.

Corsac : We will return another time.

And so they left while giving me sideways glance's as they passed and the guards escorted them of the property.

Ghira : Come inside and i'll tell you everything.


We relocated to the living room of the house and Ghira told us about what the Albain Brothers came to talk about, Apparently Sienna Khan had heard about me being here and wanted Ghira to expel me from the island to which he had refused saying that i was a Human who had no problems with the Faunus and was in fact in a relationship with his Daughter for which they showed visible disgust.

Yu : Well i'm rather offended, I never considered myself so vile and hideous.

I said with mock hurt in my voice in a overly dramatic way earning a chuckle from the family, Blake took my arm and hugged it to her chest and giggled next to me.

Ghira : So what do you think will happen next ?

I thought for a moment and given everything that i had seen i saw only one possible course of action.

Yu : I think that they will make an attempt to kill you both and maybe even Blake.

They were all instantly angry and i noticed that Ghira was gripping the arm of the sofa so hard that his Claws had extended and were digging into the wood.

Kali : But why would they do that ? What would they have to gain ?

Yu : I have heard as you know all about how you tried to keep the White Fang as a group that solved things with disscussion, debate and protest's not violence but the new leadership obviously doesn't share that vision.

Ghira put his head down as Kali leaned her head into his shoulder and held his hand.

Yu : So this is the perfect opportunity for them, They will try to kill you and then me and say that i killed you before being struck down and then they will tell the population that this is what happens when you trust humans.

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