Phase 2

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(Yu pov)

'I just got through talking to Ozpin again. Apparently he was observing the initiation in the forest and saw what i did so he wanted an explanation.


Ozpin : Well Yu i  wanted to know just how in the world you did this ?

I was sat in front of his desk and he showed a video on a tablet kind of device of me turning all those Grimm to stone.

Yu : I learned it from my Master, How else ?

Ozpin : But this kind of ability is only usable by those with silver eye's.

I activated my silver eye's and he was astonished to the point where his mouth fell open.

Ozpin : How did you get silver eye's ? You are not even from this world.

Yu : They were given to me by my Master, you know i can take someones semblance from them and to be truthful this power i copied from my Master is much easier to understand than them.

Ozpin : What do you mean ?

Yu : Well it is a genetic trait carried in certain bloodlines similar to my quirks so it was a simple task to copy it from my Master, With Master's blessing of course.

He seemed very confused as to what i was talking about but he tried not to let me notice.

Ozpin : And who is your Master ? If i may ask ?

Yu : You may ask; But if my Master wanted you to know, You would know.

I could tell he was getting frustrated and i figured that this had never happened before.

Yu : I am willing to see if my Master would be able to come here and explain, But not right now i have much work to do as you well know.

Ozpin : Yes please ask your Master, And yes i remember our agreement the site is prepared and waiting for you.

So i nodded and left his office and on the way down the elevator i called my Master to see if a visit to Beacon would be possible, And Master said very soon.

(End of flashback)

I was currently hard at work using multiple quirks to create the foundation from which i could bring about Remnants first generation of Heroes.

(Hours later)

Yu : Damn this is tiring work and it's dark already. 

I looked about and by using Overhaul and Energy saver along with Endurance, Creation and Overclock i had managed to get the outside and internal structure of the building complete , Next would be the inside and all the electrical, plumbing and furnishings.

Yu : Damn i'm tired, I better get to my room and sleep.

So i walked back to the main building and into the dorms on the way i encountered Jaune.

Yu : Jaune ? Were you waiting for me ??

He turned and smiled but seemed a bit nervous.

Jaune : Yu ! Yes my team have been asking me what this Elite group is all about and you know i'm not very good at keeping secrets.

Yu : It's fine Jaune just tell them it will all be revealed to them in time but make sure that your team come's to try out i think they all have what it takes to be fine heroes.

I said while patting him on the shoulder he then left and i continued to my dorm and went to sleep.

(The next morning)

I woke up early and set about organizing my day first i have a class with a Professor Port and then after lunch combat class with Professor Goodwitch and after school ends i can get back to my other job.

Yu : Time for some breakfast

I walked to the cafeteria and got Egg's, bacon, coffee and toast and after eating i made my way to the class to meet the professor.


I was currently sitting listening to professor Port tell us about his youth after witnessing both team's RWBY and JNPR barely get to class on time when Port asked for a member of the class to assist in a demonstration.

Port : Who here believes they have what it takes to be a true huntsman or huntress ?

Weiss stood up and raised her hand and was soon face to face with some sort of boar type Grimm it did not go smoothly but she got it done in the end. After class i saw a bit of an argument going on with Ruby and Weiss and after the latter stormed off i approached Ruby to see if she was okay.

Yu : Are you okay Ruby ?

She seemed very upset and looked down at the floor.

Ruby : Was she right ? Am i a terrible leader ?

I thought back and remembered all the other famous Heroes who had been leaders and saw that she is actually pretty close to the top

Yu : Not at all, Listen to me Ruby i have known many great people over the years and i know one thing for certain.

Ruby : And whats that ?

Yu : Leaders are unique they don't decide to be leaders but end up that way like when you fought the giant Nevermore, Were you chosen to lead or did the others simply accept and follow you.

Ruby : They just did what i said why ? 

Yu : It's because they had faith that you were right, they believed in you and so put their trust in you. And you succeeded the beast was killed and there were no injuries, so tell me does that sound like a bad leader to you ?? 

She shook her head no and i patted her on the head.

Yu : So chin up and don't let those thoughts destroy you because doubting yourself is the worst thing you can do.

She smiled thanked me and went off to find Yang and Blake after i said i would talk to Weiss. I found her on a balcony looking out over the campus.

Yu : Hello Weiss.

Weiss : What do you want ?

Yu : Just to talk, I had a question if you would indulge me ?

She turned and looked at me i was currently sitting on the bench nearby.

Weiss : What is it ?

Yu : Why did you choose to become a huntress ?

Weiss: To make my family proud and Prove that not all Schnee's are like my father.

Yu : Then you should give up.

Weiss : Excuse me ? Just who do you think you are talking to ?

Yu : Someone who is completely missing the point of the job.

Weiss : What do you mean ?

Yu : Being a huntress or huntsman is not all that different than the people i admired back where i came from they all understood that it was not about them but the people they swore to save  and protect. That's why they were called Super Heroes, Because they took the unfairness of life and did their best to make it easier for the regular people who lived there to get through their live's in peace.

Weiss : So you mean i forgot why we do this job in the first place ?

Yu : Yes it's not about you, Me or even Ruby it's about the normal people just trying to live life, Ruby understands this and has no other reason to be here other than to help. So give her a chance she might surprise you.

Weiss put her head down as she realized that everything i was saying was right so i decided to leave to my next class.

Weiss : Thank you

I just waved and went toward the room for combat class.

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