Let it flow ! School festival !

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As we were leaving the Arena Weiss saw an airship flying overhead and rushed off to  the docks so fast i could have been fooled into believing that she had a speed quirk, So me and Ruby followed her. As we left the Fairgrounds i looked over to the spot i had reserved with Ozpin to see my Clones just finishing the preparations for the event i had planned.

When we arrived we saw a woman in white with some robots walking down the ramp from the landing pad, Weiss came to a stop in front of her and did a curtsy to welcome the woman.

Weiss : Winter, I'm so happy that you're here.

Winter : Hello Weiss.

Weiss : So what brings you here ?

Winter : Classified.

Weiss : So how long are you staying ?

Winter : Classified.

Weiss : Of course.

She then went on to explain her class rankings but she was bonked on the head by the woman who was apparently called Winter and was her sister.

Winter :Silence you boob, I don't need to know any of that i have the relevant information on your studies. I want to know, Are you eating well, if you are making friends.

Weiss : Well there's Ruby and a few others.

Ruby : Heh boob.

I chuckled and high five'd her which earned a glare from Winter.

Winter : So this is the leader you write about, And who are you ??

She said directing the question at me.

Yu : Classified.

Both Ruby and Weiss stifled a laugh as Winter scowled at me and we then started to walk toward the main building. Ruby darted off to get a snack but i stayed to gather more  information on Winter.

Winter : As i am early you can take me to your quarters so i can see if they are up to my standards.

Weiss : Well.

She looked at me and i sighed and nodded and got out my tablet to grant Winter access to the Dorms.

Yu : Okay she has access Weiss

Weiss : Thank you.

Winter then glared at me again and asked me.

Winter : Why do you decide who has access the the dorms ?

Yu : Because i built it.

As we neared the Tower there was a noise behind us followed by.

??? : Hey, You.

I watched as these two apparent 'Adults' got into what could only be described as a playground squabble which quickly devolved into a full on fight. That was the moment that Ruby returned.

Ruby : What's going on ?

Weiss : Some crazy guy just attacked my sister.

Ruby : Oh no.

She looked toward the disturbance and then looked over joyed.

Ruby : It's my uncle !!! Kick her butt Uncle Qrow !!!

Weiss not to be out done decided to cheer her sister on but i was quickly becoming very angry by this immature display from a veteran huntsman and a military officer. So i activated Voice And Softening.

Yu : ENOUGH !!!

They dropped their weapons and covered their ears as they began to sink into the ground, The rest of the students were shocked at how loud i could be but i was more focused on these two apparent professionals who were stupid enough the start a fight while surrounded by innocent bystanders.

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