Best laid plans

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(The next day)

(Yu pov)

Yu : Does everyone understand their part in this ??


Yu : Excellent, Now all we need to do is make it look good.

I had just finished telling teams RWBY and JNPR about the plan i have been working on with Roman and how this was going to go down we were at the dorms so no-one would be able to interfere. Master was helping Professor Goodwitch with her combat lessons as Ozpin was desperate to hire her when he found out who my Master was so we were all alone in the dorms.

Yu : Well seeing as it's not happening until tonight we can all...

[Ring Ring}

Yu : Hold on i need to take this, I'll be right back.

I answered my scroll and was surprised to hear the detective voice.

Yu : Hello Detective what can i do for you ?

He explained that there was a murder in the city and they had a possible witness but he wasn't talking so he wanted to know if there was anything i could do. So after getting all the relevant details i went back to the group and explained to them the situation.

Yu : So the detective needs me so that means i will need to leave for a while but i will be ready for tonight so in the meantime everyone get some rest.

Yu : Blake ??

Blake : Yes ?

Yu : Do you know a guy called Tuckson from the White Fang ?

Blake : Yes i have heard him mentioned, Adam talked about him quite a bit why ?

I sighed and realized that i needed to bring her with me.

Yu : I need you to come with me as the case involves him.

Blake : Okay sure.


(Blake pov)

We had just arrived at the police station and the detective was showing us to the supposed witness so we could talk to him.

The man looked very nervous probably because he didn't want trouble following him home as it might if he was forced to testify in a murder case. Yu seemed to notice this and approached the man and sat down in front of him and began to talk with him.

Yu : Hello sir, May i have your name ?

Jasper : It's Jasper Rouge.

Yu : Thank you, You may call me Legacy, Now please allow me to ask some questions.

Jasper : O-okay.

The man looked to be relaxing if only a little as Yu had been calm and respectful to him and not treated him like a criminal but a valuable witness.

Yu : Now sir, I need to know, Did you see anyone enter Tuckson's book trade on the day in question ?

Jasper : Uh well yes i did, But i have never seen them before or since.

Yu put his hand up to signal Jasper to calm himself and with a polite smile wrote down everything on some paper supplied by the detectives.

Yu : Thank you, For you honesty now i'm sure you don't really want to get involved am i right ?

Jasper : Yes i don't really want to be here, I have a family and if these people find out that i....

Yu put his hand on top of Jasper's and looked him in the eye and told him to just breathe as Jasper was starting to hyperventilate.

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