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(Two Days Later)

(Yu Pov)

After the battle of Argus Caroline Cordovin had seen the power and skill of both teams along with the Giant monster that helped to destroy the Leviathan, She just decided to give us the airship that we had stolen in payment for our help but in truth i think she just wanted to get rid of us as it wasn't worth the headache it would cause her if she didn't.

I rested for the remainder of that day and the next we set off to the kingdom of Atlas, It was a mostly uneventful flight but i did notice that Weiss was growing more and more nervous the entire time, No doubt because this course would inevitably bring us into contact with her father eventually.

Qrow : Well there it is, Atlas.

I was sat next to him in the cockpit and i took a moment to examine the sight in front of me, The city of Atlas was quite impressive i had to admit but i then turned my attention to the city below which was called Mantle and i immediately saw the issue.

Yu : Let me guess most people don't get to live in Atlas right ??

Weiss : Yes the floating city is only for the rich while the people who do the real work to keep the city going live in Mantle.

She appeared to be full of shame as she spoke, No doubt she had changed alot during her time at Beacon and all of our recent trials. I had to admit i was proud of her as this is exactly what she would need to be a True Hero. She would need to be strong sure but she would also need to care deeply about everyone otherwise she wouldn't ever be able to truly represent Justice.

I stood up and walked over and put my hand on her shoulder as a gesture of support and smiled, She looked up to my eye's and saw my proud face.

Yu : You really have changed, And i can say that you will be a True Hero.

Ruby : What are you talking about ??

I sat next to Jaune as he and his team were also interested by the looks on their faces so i began to explaiin.

Yu : You see in my world there were plenty of Heroes doing the Job of a pro, But sadly some only did the job for money or worse recognition. Some Heroes craved the spotlight and it corrupted them, But i'm happy to say that none of you have those tendencies.

Jaune : Was it really that bad ??

Yu : Let's examine you guy's for a moment, You recently experienced what it was like first hand when we got to Argus didn't you ??

I moved my eye's over them as they remembered the chaos that occured when we got off the train, The shuddered slightly as they relived the madness in their minds.

Yu : While i don't have a problem with anyone getting a pat on the back for a good job there were those that grew more and more obsessed with it, They lost sight of the most important duty of a Hero.

Jaune : Saving people ??

Yu : Bullseye, That is the definition of a True Hero, One who does anything they can to save others even if it could cost them their lives.

Blake : You really see that in us ??

Yu : Of course i do, After the most recent battle you were given even more praise than from the battle of Beacon but you never let it consume you, That's how i know.

They all had content smiles on their faces and we sat in silence until Qrow told us that we were being instructed to land in an Atlas docking bay, I told him to instead head for Mantle as i really wanted to see that first and later we would make out way up to the floating city.

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