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(Yu pov)

We exited the portal and saw that we were outside a large house, We looked around and took in the scenery of Haven and i'll admit i did feel a little nostalgic as it had a very Japanese feel to the architecture.

??? : Hey, It seem's like you finally showed up huh ??

We all spun around and spotted Qrow standing a short distance away with a scowl on his face, I stepped forward and asked him what was wrong.

Qrow : I'm just in a bad mood right now ask the others they're inside, I'm going for a drink.

He just turned and wandered off down the street, I wondered what could be wrong as everything seemed to be going according to plan.

Yang : What's up with him ??

Yu : I'm not sure but everyone got here safe and sound or he would have told us but clearly something went wrong.

Weiss : Well let's ask the others then and he can go get drunk if he wants. 

Yu : Is he ever completely sober though ??

We all laughed and i knocked on the door, A few seconds later it was opened by Ren who smiled so i gave him a fist bump, I then put my finger to my lips and went inside. I saw Ruby reading comics on the sofa, Nora was eating in the kitchen and Jaune and Pyrrha were sparring in the backyard thankfully the door were open so i had clear line of sight, i smirked to my group and took a deep breath.

Yu : HEY GUY'S !!

Everyone turned and saw me standing next to Ren, Then the stampeed began they all came rushing over and dogpiled me to the ground.

Yu : I missed you guy's too.

I said as i stood up after they got off me, Ruby then looked past me and saw Yang, Blake and Weiss so she threw me aside and ran to them tearfully embracing her sister and friends.

Yu : Aww isn't that sweet.

I said putting my arm round Jaunes shoulder. After a few minutes Nora jumped up and down and screamed.

Nora : WOO HOO the bands back together group hug !!!

We all nodded and did as she suggested with everyone smiling, Shortly after that we relocated to the lounge area where we got some drinks and started discussing what had happened since we last saw each other.

Ruby started to shake as if she was holding in her laughter until the dam broke and she fell out of her seat and started to roll around crying  with laughter.

Ruby : Did you know that Jaune's hoody has a cute little bunny on it.

I just looked over and wondered what she was talking about so Jaune took off his chestplate and i couldn't help but snicker behind my hand.

Yu : Well erm he's always been a bit of a Goofball

Pyrrha put her arms around Jaunes neck and kissed his cheek.

Pyrrha : I think it's cute, And he maybe a Goofball but he's my Goofball.

We all laughed and Ruby settled down and sat back with her team as they shook their heads.

Nora : Hey we totally killed a super evil Grimm on the way here.

I was instantly eager to hear all about it so i listened as Jaune and Nora told us the story and how everything went down. While the story was being told i heard about how it was the same Monster that had destroyed Ren and Nora's home when they were very young.

Yu : That sound's horrific, But at least it can never do that again and you're all safe, Also it seems to have had another side effect.

I said noticing how Ren and Nora were holding hands, Lacing their fingers together.

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