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(The Next Day)

(Yu pov)

Marrow : Two Hours, Two damn hours !!!! Do you have any idea how exhausted we were after all that laughing ??

Yu : That was the duty of an instructor to educate overly confident little children.

Elm : Hey we're older than you !!!!

Yu : But you didn't act like it, In fact the only ones who showed some kind of intelligence were Clover and Vine.

The Ace Op's were fuming about their loss the previous day but it's not like i didn't give them every chance to show their skill's off most of them just charged in like absolute idiots. Clover and Vine were silent with thoughtful looks on their faces as ther rest were ranting at me for putting them through their ordeal.


A few hours later we had all split up and we were patroling Mantle while helping the citizens with any problems they had. I myself ended up repairing the outer wall of Mantle as it had been damaged in a recent Grimm attack and that's the reason they attacked shortly after we arrived.

I simply used Overhaul and Shuffle to create a new section of wall that was much more dense so that it could survive another attack, But seeing the rest of the wall was so weak i ended up using my quirks on a more massvie scale by sending Clones to the rest of the wall to completely surround Mantle in walls three meters thick made from solid steel just like the new City for the Faunus.

After that was complete we all went back to the Academy to recieve our new upgrades for our gear.

(A/N Everyone besides Yu is wearing their new outfits from Atlas but Blake didn't cut her hair short)

After we had collected our outfits i asked the Genreal to have them gather in his Office so i could give them something they truly desreved. So James along with Winter and Penny gathered both teams to await my arrival.

James : Welcome Students i was talking with Yu and he decided that you be given some additional responsibilities with which i agree, Speaking of.

I walked into the arena in my new gear wondering how my family would react to my new look.

James : Allow me to introduce the Atlas director for Heroics.

James : Allow me to introduce the Atlas director for Heroics

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Yu : Hello everyone.

Ruby : Woooooooooow you look so cool.

This was met with nods of agreement from everyone except for Yang and Blake who were looking at my with predatory gaze's.

Yang : Look's good enough to eat.

Blake : And do several other things to as well.

Winter : Please Ladies contain your urges at least until you're in private.

Ruby : I second that.

We all had a good laugh but then i stepped up and nodded to James, He puched a few buttons on his computer to create several holographic screens above my head and then came to stand beside me.

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