An Offer You Can't Refuse

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(Roman pov)

I woke up in a strange room and for a few second's didn't notice anyone else in there with me until i spotted Neo in a chair unconscious.

Roman : Neo, Wake up !!

??? : I'm afraid that is impossible for the moment.

My head snapped round and that's when i saw him standing at the back of the room in front of the window.

Roman : So you captured me huh ? So what is this all about kid ?

Yu : Well Roman i brought you here to ask some questions and possibly help you.

I was at a loss for words, This kid thinks he can help me, I don't think so.

Roman : Well get on with it, If you're going to torture me that's fine just leave her out of it

I said drawing his attention to Neo who was still sleeping peacefully.

Yu : Oh i think you have the wrong idea Roman i'm just going to ask you some questions, And i do not torture people.

(Yu pov)

I was actually quite insulted that he thought that i would stoop so low as to torture someone.

Yu : Now let's chat.

Roman : Are you not concerned that i might lie ?

my mouth was drawn into a sinister smirk and i looked at him at which time i saw him gulp in fear.

Yu : Oh don't worry about that i'm confident you'll be honest, After all they do say Confession is good for the soul.

(At Heights Alliance)

(Yang pov)

Blake had asked me to come to her room which i was nervous about because after she had spent two day's away with Yu i was afraid that he might break up with me in favor of Blake.

(knock knock)

Blake : Come in

As i entered the room i noticed that Blake was sitting in a chair and had one placed for me directly opposite her's.

Blake : Please sit i need to speak to you.

I sat down and noticed that Blake was fidgeting in her seat almost like she was uncomfortable.

Yang : So what's up ?

Blake : Well i need to tell you something about Yu.

I was struck with a sense of dread based on her current state where she was averting her gaze and blushing slightly.

Yang : What is it did something happen with you two ??

Blake : No nothing like that he was just with me too offer support as i was upset and he wanted to hear my story.

Yang : But you fell for him didn't you ?

She nodded slowly and seemed even more ashamed.

Blake : I'm sorry Yang i know how much you like him but i couldn't help it he was so nice and patient not to mention handsome it just happened.

I rubbed my forehead and was feeling a little threatened Blake is a beautiful girl but i too was in love but didn't want to see Blake suffer with these feelings by standing in the way of her happiness.

Blake : But i know you are already his girlfriend so i decided to tell you and see what you thought i should do

Yang : Well i'm not sure but i do understand what you mean, Most guy's only look at me like a piece of meat but Yu is different he treat's me like a lady and is genuinely interested in a real relationship who wouldn't fall for him.

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