The Climax

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(A/N Long chapter)

(Yu pov)

We had just arrived in the vault and met with Ozpin who was there already waiting for the plan to begin so i made my preperations and then i got a call on my scroll from Coco.

Coco : Yu whats happening we just got back from a patrol on the opposite side of town and there was Grimm everywhere.

I realized that this was good news  so i explained the situation the best i could and told them to stay in the city and fight the Grimm there as My Master has already gone down to the city when the Grimm showed up, Considering that she was probably the best fighter in the kingdom it made sense to me.

Yu : Stay in the city and find Maria she is already there and you could offer her some support.

Coco : Okay got it, See you when it's over.

I dropped the call but no sooner had i done so my scroll rang again, So i picked up the call and it was Blake saying the the White Fang where attacking the school.

Yu : SHIT !! Why now ? okay i'm on my way.

I told Ozpin, Roman and Neo of the situation and flew up throught the ceiling using flight and permeation and headed to the courtyard where the fighting was heaviest.

As i arrived i saw a group of students blocking the door the the dining hall and through thermal sense i saw that most of the civilians were inside and team FNKY were blocking the door so i flew over and used Air Cannon to blast the Whie Fang troops away.

Flynt : Whoa how did you do that ? 

Flynt asked as him and his team looked on in awe as most of the Fang where now either unconscious or badly hurt from smashing into the ground or each other as they were blasted away.

Yu : No time for that but i'm going to give each of you something to help with protecting the people inside.

I put my hand on their heads one after another and passed them each a quirk that i thought would suit the situation, For Flynt and Neon i gave Barrier and Cell Activation and for Kobalt and Ivori i gave Cement and Scales, After a quick description of how to use them i ran off to find teams JNPR and RWBY.

(Blake pov)

After calling Yu i kept fighting with my team as the White Fang troops came in and flooded the campus thankfully the sun had gone down by now so Dark shadow was at full power so stopping the normal grunts was quite easy, Yang was behind me covering my back while we worked together until we saw an Atlas paladin approaching and the Fang grunts parted to let it through.

Blake : Yang we've got trouble here.

She turned and saw it but instead of being scared she got this grin on her face that i'll admit was a little concerning.

Yang : Oh yeah i've been waiting for a challenge.

She said as her hands kept popping with explosions, No doubt she was eager to have a rematch with one of these things after Yu took out the last one, I looked for Weiss and Ruby but i was surprised when i saw they were occupied with that Emerald girl and the guy Mercury on the other side of the courtyard and team JNPR were fighting Grimm who were trying to get into the school.

(Yu pov) 

I was on my way to find and assist team RWBY and JNPR but i got another scroll call and it was Qrow he told me that while on his way back there was a massive rockslide on a mountain outside the city and it revealed a giant Dragon type Grimm and whats worse is that it was currently heading for Beacon.

Yu : God damn it, What else could go wrong ?

I just had to ask as Neo and Roman came out of the main building and ran over to me. They told me what happaned in the vault.

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