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(Yu pov)

It's been a few days since the huge battle at Beacon and we relocated to Patch where Ruby and Yang lived with their father Tai and as you can probably imagine Tai wasn't exactly pleased that i had defiled his daughter, His word not mine but after a serious conversation with Yang and him he accepted me as her boyfriend especially after i had a private chat with him where i declared my intentions to eventually ask her to marry me. Blake was also a concern for him but after she and Yang explained then there was no problem after all apparently he did have two wives just not at the same time.

There was a major problem in that Winter had come to Patch and taken Weiss back to Atlas, Apparently her father demanded that she return but before she left i made sure to give Weiss a parting gift. And that brings us to where we are now sitting in the main living area of the Xiao Long house.

Yu : Well guy's i know the loss of Weiss is going to be difficult for us.

I looked toward Ruby who was still sad that her friend was gone so i reached across the table to take her hand.

Yu : Chin up Little Red, We'll see her again i promise.

Ruby perked up slightly but was understanably sad so i decided to carry on with the next stage of my plan in order to take her mind off it.

Yu : It's time to give everyone here another quirk.

Everyone was immediately snapped their heads to look at me in shock and confusion.

Yang : But i thought that people couldn't really have more than one quirk, Except you and Jaune of course, I really don't want to end up like that Nomu thing you said had multiple quirks.

Yu : You don't need to worry about that after all the Nomu was grown in a lab as a clone and a mix of various peoples D.N.A, But you are right there were very few people who could have multiple quirks in my world.

Jaune : Then why are you so sure it's safe here ?

The rest nodded collectively and looked a little concerned so i decided to put their minds to rest and share with them the results of my experiments.

Yu : There's no need to worry i have done some tests and am happy to say that the people who have been given extra quirks by me are doing just fine.

I said while looking first at Ruby then Pyrrha, Yang did the same and then looked back to me and a look of realization flashed across her face.

Yang : Oh yeah you gave Ruby a copy of the Anivoice quirk as well didn't you.

Yu : Yes, I knew it was dangerous in my world to give people numerous quirks but here it seems to be no problem at least with only two.

Ren : But how do you know it will be safe exactly.

I activated a quirk i don't use often called Triage that let's me see any medical problems the target has no matter how small, A side effect of the quirk makes my eye's lose all features and become pure pale green glowing orbs.

Yu : This is how i know it's called Triage and it let's me see any medical problems my target has when i look at them.

I turned my gaze to Ruby and Pyrrha one after the other and i smiled as i could see that they where in perfect health.

Yu : And i'm happy to say that Ruby and Pyrrha are in perfect physical condition, And since Ruby has had an extra quirk for a few weeks now i see no reason to think that there will be any problems.

Qrow and Tai were sat at opposite ends of the large table we were seated around leaned on their elbow and Tai decided to speak.

Tai : And why do you suppose that is ?

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