I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2

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(Salem pov)

Salem : Do you understand your task Tyrian ??

Tyrian : Oh yes my Goddess i won't fail you, I would do anything for you.

Salem : Very good now go.

With that Tyrian left the throne room as i retook my seat. And just then my 'Guest' who i had come to understand was called All for One started to speak.

AFO : I must say that you did an amazing job in brainwashing that one.

Salem : He follows me because he believes in my goals.

AFO : And just what are those ?

Salem : Why would i tell you any of my plans or goals ? Why don't you just stay silent until i can secure you a body then i can see if you can prove useful to me.

There was no reply so i took that as a confirmation that he had bowed to my authority.

(Haven residence)

(Jaune pov)

I had gathered everyone to talk about going back into Yu's mind, Only this time i thought that i would need some help so i asked for volunteers.

Nora : I'm in.

Ren nodded and Pyrrha came over and put her hand on my shoulder.

Pyrrha : I'm with you too.

We then turned to face Professor Zaiden as she explained the next step.

Shion : Now going by what Jaune has told me i think that there are three prevailing emotions that the Nightmare is preying on as there are three doors in the first part of his mind. So we can assume that the next area will be quite different in appearance.

Ren : But what emotion will we be fighting ?

Shion : I'm not sure but from what Jaune say's there are two major ones that he has been struggling with as of late.

Jaune : Yes his anger towards Ozpin, And his guilt for hurting us unwittingly during the event before we went to the Academy.

Ruby : But we weren't hurt he just drained some of our stamina, We had no injuries.

Shion : That might be true, But in his mind he did something unforgivable and only Jaune was able to get him to come back to his senses.

i wondered what hell Yu was currently going through and just wanted to get going but there was one more question.

Jaune : So guilt is likely one of the emotions we will have to face but what's the last one ??

Blake came forward and her cat ears were drooping down in sadness.

Blake : I might know, I think it's fear. On Menagerie he 'dealt' with Adam but it was truly brutal not that i blame him as i heard what he was planning but he clearly seemed to think that he was a Monster.

Jaune : I understand now !!!! It all goes back to AFO !!!

Ruby : You mean the Villain who hurt Yu ??

I nodded and thought back when i saw Yu's past he wasn't the Yu we know and love he was a man who was not in control of himself and was acting like the Villain in question. I remembered my promise that he did say that one day he might become like that man and had me promise to end him if that happened.

Jaune : He fears that he is no different than the Villain AFO, It weighs on his mind i remember that when he first gave me this power he told me of the downside to his quirk and that one day he might become just like 'that man'.

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