Hellish Training and an offer

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One month later

(Jaune pov)

Yu : Come on Arc keep it going !!!

Ever since i met Yu he has been helping me train for Beacon and has insisted on me calling him Master while we are training and he will only call me by my name while in a casual setting.

Jaune : I'm doing my best Master but this is tough, i feel like my arms will snap.

Yu : Oh don't be a baby, i'm doing the same training too so you have no right to complain.

Master arranged a training routine for me and he said to make it fair he would do it along with me; but seriously that guy is a monster. How is he not tired we have been doing push up's, sit up's and pull up's for three hours with only a five minute break in between exercises.

Yu : Just a few more and we will be done, keep going and beat the pain.

Master said he was trying to prepare my body for something but he never really went into detail's about what it is though. But he did say something about me being worthy, but for what ? he hasn't mentioned it ever since he told me a few weeks ago.

Yu : Okay that should do it for today Arc.

I immediately collapsed into the ground lucky we were doing push up's so i didn't fall very far.

Jaune : Finally the nightmare ends, i feel like i'm dying.

Yu : Oh does baby want a bottle or a diaper change or are you going to get up and stand like a man ??

Does he know what he is doing to me, Seriously kill me now i can't believe this guy. Well i struggled and with every last fiber of my being managed to stand and stare him right in the eye's.

Yu : That's more like it, It's super manly to push past your limit's or that's what my uncle always said.

I learned that Master lost all his family and friends in his world and as a way to honor them he take's their teaching's to heart. But he must still feel like crying most of the time.

Yu : Now Arc let's take a look at you 

He walked up to me and just then i remembered that we were both topless, I shyly covered my chest.

Yu :  Hmmmm Not to bad you have definitely improved your muscles in a short time, You might just be ready for the next step of training but that will have to wait go home eat, sleep and prepare yourself, Because tomorrow is when we get serious.

Jaune 'FML'

(Later that night)

(Yu pov)

I have managed to secure lodging in the village in exchange for doing a few job's here and there after all with all my quirks pretty much any mundane task is simple. So tomorrow is the day i will tell him about One For All and begin training him with it i hope he accepts it though.

(Knock Knock)

Yu : Huh who could that be at this hour ?

I saw it was midnight by looking at the clock on the wall. I walked over and opened the door to see a man with silver hair waiting on the other side and a woman with blonde hair along side him.

 I walked over and opened the door to see a man with silver hair waiting on the other side and a woman with blonde hair along side him

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