First Impressions

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(Yu pov)

The following morning i reported to the place the bullheads were meant to take off from, As i saw the potential students boarding i asked one were the school was and he pointed to a cliff in the distance across the bay.

Yu : Hmm well that's perfect

Random Student : Hey you coming or not ??

I looked at him and decided to give him a bit of a shock and activated Fierce wings and a large pair of black wings came out of my back. the look on his face was priceless he just stood slack jawed until i took off and flew into the sky.

(Several minutes later)

I was flying around in the clouds and thought i would drop my height a bit and check out these bullheads, Through the window i could see Ruby being smothered by a blond girl with large breasts and smiled then i could have sworn i saw another blond dashing about in the crowd.

Yu : 'Hmmm that couldn't be Jaune right' ?? i thought to myself and as i did this i noticed a black haired girl staring right at me from the window. So i decided to tease her a bit after all if all goes well she and many others will get to know each other very well.

I gave her a little wink and then decided to get ready for my usual entrance so i began to fly higher and higher as i noticed the school's landing pads were getting close. When i reached a height i deemed acceptable i went into a full dive and about three meters from impact i flapped my wings with all my strength and landed gently.

Yu : "Another happy landing" i said as i brushed back my hair.

After that i just waited for everyone to leave the landing area and notice that Ruby was left on her own by the blond girl, just then there was an explosion where she was stood so i rushed over to see her being yelled at by a girl in white.

After that i just waited for everyone to leave the landing area and notice that Ruby was left on her own by the blond girl, just then there was an explosion where she was stood so i rushed over to see her being yelled at by a girl in white

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Well this did not sit well with me as i had a feeling that more was going on here than i knew and this seemed too close to bullying for my taste's so i decided to intervene.

Yu : "Well that will be quite enough of that", I said stepping in between them.

???? : What ?? Are you her friend or something she almost destroyed my luggage.

Yu : No i just met the young lady the other day, And i don't care for your reasons if you have issue's with her take it up with the faculty.

???? : Excuse me !! Do you know who i am ??

Yu : Karen ??

???? : It's actually Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee dust company the same company known for some shady dealings with their Faunus workers.

'Faunus what's that' i wondered as i turned to face the newcomer and saw it was the same black haired girl from the bullhead. She was reading and carrying some type of bottle with what looked like red powder in it.

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