The Guardians: Chapter 01

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December 29, 2021,

It's snowing right now. Obviously it's freezing outside here but I don't know why I'm not that bothered with how cold it is despite of wearing only sweatpants and hoodie. People around me wears thick padded jacket.

This is weird. I should feel like I'm freezing to death when I'm only wearing hoodie outside the house. I do feel cold and freezing just like any other people, but I don't know why I can endure it.

This had never happened to me before.

This feels weird..

I wore my earbuds and just shrugged the thought off. I waited for the light to turn red so that I could walk to the other side of the path.



I took a deep breath and starts walking. But when a light shines on me, a loud horn could be heard. I turned my head to my left side and saw a car coming towards my direction.

Frozen, I couldn't do anything, not even walking away and not even shouting for a help.

All I could ever do was to motion my hands to cover my face, I shut my eyes tight.

I heard people gasping and murmuring as if a celebrity just walk passed by.

I moved my hands away and saw that the car and the driver has turned into an ice, solid ice.

Who wouldn't freak out witnessing that.

"Omo! She froze them!"

"She have superpower?"

"She's a disaster!"

"She'll be a nuisance! Catch her!"

My eyes enlarged. I wore my hood up and ran away from them. They keep chasing me. I ran to the forest, I know it's dark and the chances of me getting lost are high but those people might do bad things to me.

I need to save myself.


What have I done?

Did I.. Did I really.. Froze the car and the driver..?

But how?

I hid myself behind a tree and waited for them to go away.

"Ah darn it! We lost her trail!" I heard a man shouted. I heard few more people saying things before they left.

I sighed in relief and was about to walk away when someone grabbed my wrist. I freaked out, my heart throbbed quickly because I was petrified seeing a guy wearing everything in black, he wore a mask too.


"Shhhh." He shushed me as he covered my mouth with his hand.

"How can I shh when a stranger do this to me?!" I hollered even though his hand is still covering my mouth. His eyes gazed at me, I gulped.

"So, you're my new student." He took his mask off and flashed me a smile.


"Introducing, my name is Shim Jaewook. But you must call me Mr. Shim or saem because I am your homeroom teacher." He smiled again. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to react to what I just heard.

He heaved a deep sigh.

"Listen, do you want me to explain now or later?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he put his hands on his hips.

"Wait what?" I wrinkled my forehead, bewildered.

"Let's just say, we teachers from SOMP pick our soon-to-be student who just discovered that they got superpower. How we know? Because we have a pearl that sparkles whenever someone your age just discovered they got superpowers. The pearl then showed what and how you discovered your superpower." He explained. It took me a long time to understand but when I do, my jaws dropped.

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