The Guardians 2 : Chapter 04

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March 21, 2023,

"I wonder why the test takes more than thirty minutes. It's scary." Seokmin muttered while faking his cry.

"The fact that we don't know who's gonna be next are even scarier." Said Chan.

"How's Wonwoo?" Mingyu put his hand on my shoulder as he asked. Both of us turned our heads to Wonwoo who's sitting alone while staring at his shoes.

"He's fine.. I guess."

"You'll be kill-"

And he passed out.

"Wonwoo! Wonwoo~!!" I screamed while shaking his body.

"Guys, guys! Help me!!" I keep shouting and lucky enough the others weren't that far from us yet. All of them rushed to us and they brought Wonwoo to the medic room.

"What happened, Haekyung?" Seungcheol queried me.

"I don't know! We were just talking and he suddenly passed out!" I yelled.

That's when Mr. Lim came out.

"Don't worry, it was nothing serious. I guess Wonwoo overused his power today, he's just tired that's all." Mr. Lim stated but his statement made me went curious and perplexed even more.

"Overused? I thought Wonwoo's fine now and he can use his power as much as he wants?" I frowned at him.

"Yeah, that's right." Jisoo piped in.

"Like I said, it's nothing serious. He's just tired." Mr. Lim restated.

"But Mr. Lim.. Wonwoo never passed out again ever since that day when he defeated all the Demons. He've been able to control his power after that. So, why did Wonwoo suddenly passed out now?" Jihoon's question caught all of their attentions.

"Did something happened today?"

"He had a test provided by the principal and Professor Kim."

"Hm, I'll figure it out again. But as for now, Wonwoo just need to rest, there's nothing serious to be worried about. He's just fine." Mr. Lim flashed us a smile of assurance.

I'm so worried about him.. I just wonder why did he suddenly passed out? I mean if it was before, sure he'll pass out every after using his power but Wonwoo've been able to control his power so he never passes out again even if he've been using too much power in a day.

And I wonder what Wonwoo was gonna say last night.

"You'll be kill-"

I'll be kill? Killing? Kill what? Or I am the one who's gonna get killed?

This test is seriously crazy and is a very bad idea.

"Next, Han Haekyung."

I literally felt like I was being thrown to the sea and I keep sinking deeper and deeper when I heard my name being called.

Wonwoo stood up and rushed to me, stopping me from entering the Scrutinization Hall. He hold both of my shoulders firmly as he leaned his face closer to mine, I can tell that his face looks so worried and concerned right now.

"I know you can do it, don't give up okay?"

"Y-you're making me s-scared to take the t-test now." I quavered as I stared into his eyes.

A lot of things are going through my mind. I am scared, nervous, creeped out and even peeved at the same time. I'm also concerned about myself, hopefully I'll be able to pass this test.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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