The Guardians: Special Chapter

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April 24, 2022,

"I'm hungry, let's eat first!" Seungkwan shouted the moment he noticed that everyone are already here, ready to go out of school.

We all agreed and decided to go to the restaurant first. Wonwoo ended up sitting on the other seats with the other boys and I ended up sitting somewhere far from him. I'm actually a bit sad because of that.

I'm glad that Wonwoo got a lot of friends now, but we couldn't get the chance to spend time just the two of us like what we always did before since the boys are always clinging onto Wonwoo, leaving no space for me.

He's getting closer and closer with all of them, he opened up more and more day by day to them, he even surprisingly shared some jokes to them. I didn't know he could be funny sometimes considering how he always have that cold look and that unfriendly personality. Glad that he finally showed another side of him.

Now he no longer feel awkward with them.

Even at school, people are complimenting him and showing him respects. Not only him but also the 16 of us, we received a lot of compliments too because of how we all are brave enough to fight the demons. All the students just couldn't move on from it and some are even asking us to train and guide them.

It's funny, really.

"Baby, I told you not to be so greedy-"

"YEEEEEEE~!!!!" Everyone teased the two, stopping Minghao from continuing his nag.

"I feel so single, anyone wanna date me?" Seokmin muttered.

"You have your BooSeokSoon." Jihoon rebuked.

"I can't date two people at the same time." Seokmin blinked his eyes.

"I will never date you." Surprisingly, both Seungkwan and Soonyoung said it at the same time which made it even more funnier. Everyone suddenly went silent as they nailed their eyes to both Soonyoung and Eunjae who are secretly holding hands. The two noticed why we're suddenly silent and looked at us.


They all cheered for both Soonyoung and Eunjae.

And there all of them keep teasing Minghao, Juri, Soonyoung and Eunjae. I'm just here having a stomachache from laughing too much. They're so funny, I swear!

After we finished eating, we went out from the restaurant. We all decided to go to the beach nearer. There was a small stall and they bought a ball for them to play some activities and as usual, I'm just sitting on the bench, not a sport person.

They're playing volleyball with three people in each team. It's funny how Jeonghan keep cheating and they keep nagging about him but they never really take it serious, everyone know that Jeonghan are just joking to make it more fun.

It's almost sunset, all of us are just sitting waiting for the sunset while talking to each other.

"It's almost May now, we've known each other for five months now. Time flies so fast." Yena said to all of us.

"Yeah, I agree. We've been friends for five months but our friendships are so cool that it looks like we've been friends for five years." Seungcheol stated and we all agreed.

It was just a good silence surrounding us when we're watching the sunset. It reminds me of the day when I brought Wonwoo along to watch sunset. Now we're watching sunset again, but with all of our friends.

"Alright! Talent show time!!"

"Haekyung ah, you told us that you made ice skate the other day, make it today too! I want to do some ice skating~!!" Seokmin shouted.

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