The Guardians: Chapter 22

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March 14, 2022,

I'm on my way to the library right now. I'm suddenly curious about the Demons so maybe I could find books about them at the library? Maybe I could learn what their weaknesses and fears are so it would be easier to fight them one day?

"Haekyung." I stopped walking the moment I heard someone called me. I turned around to see and it's Mr. Shim, he's giving me smile.

"Why did you called me, saem?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The principal have something to show and tell you, please follow me." Without hesitation, I scooted next to Mr. Shim, following him.

"What might it be, saem?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"You'll know later."

I just stayed silent. I realised that we're on our way to the principal's office. Well of course, we're going to meet the principal anyways. The moment we went in, I saw Wonwoo and Mr. Lim talking with the principal.

"Ah, right on time." The principal smiled.

The principal stood up and behind his desk it was just an empty wall.

He lifted his hand and I saw that his hand are shining right now as he put his palm against the wall, suddenly the wall parted at the middle, revealing a secret passage, my eyes couldn't believe what I've just saw, I was totally stunned. I stared at Wonwoo, still in disbelief. He shrugged at me.

"Follow me." The principal told.

It's not the scary kind of secret passage but instead, it looks so stunning that I am literally in awe looking at my surroundings while walking. There are lights so the secret passage aren't dark as what usual secret passage would look like.

There was a door. Principal did the same thing to the door like what he did to the wall earlier. The door opened by itself and now revealing a very big room. I really couldn't believe the secret passage could lead to this big and beautiful room. It's as big as my frost gym. Everything in here are coloured and painted in white and grey.

Really aesthetic.

There I saw 17 tables.

The tables are tall and it was square shaped, it looks like the display tables in the museum except it doesn't have the case.

On top of each tables have gemstones floating on it that represents all the 17 superpowers. And at the middle, there was a pearl floating and I can see it was shining and is connected to all the gemstones since I can see all the gemstones have their lights coming from the pearl.

I was in awe.

I couldn't believe I am seeing the pearl and the 17 gemstones with both my eyes, right at this moment.

"Take a look." The principal said.

Still in awe and disbelief, I slowly walked to the table that have the frost gemstone floating on top of it. I am deeply captivated staring at it, it is so beautiful and elegant.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Mr. Shim asked me while smiling. I was speechless, I just nodded my head.

There I saw Wonwoo standing infront of the telekinesis gemstone, he was staring at it with his straight face and his hands inside his pockets, he looks like he's not interested at all.

I continued observing all of the other gemstones with Mr. Shim following me, eyeing all of my movements just in case I got my hands on the gemstones. I shouldn't touch it, that's what he told me.

"Why are you letting us see all these? You told me that this place are secure with a highly guarded system?" I questioned wonderingly. The principal let out a small chuckle.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now